Chapter 19- Truth and Lies

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A feeling of déjà vu engulfed me as I was back at the Patriots HQ. Nothing had changed apart from the regular stares and dirty looks I received every now and then. My head was still pounding from the noise of the gunshot. Mia had bandaged my foot but I was still in incredible pain.

Mia was alive.

Damon had gone.

And I was back to where I started.

"Kayla" Mia called above me making me jump slightly. 

She sat down next to me. I wonder what had changed about her and got her to trust the Patriots. Or what if she had been lured into believing them just like me, but she knew the truth about them so, why would she still have bought me here? 

"I know you're going to have lots of questions," she smiled. "But it's not what it looks like. Kayla has there been a time in your life where you've judged someone depending on what others have told you?" 

"I probably have but I can't think of anything right now, why?" I pondered. 

"Because that's what me and Damon did." She sighed. "As soon as I found out you were with Charles I jumped to conclusions, but trust me it's nothing like that." 

"So, that's how it is," I scoffed. "They've brain washed you. Just like they've brain washed everyone making them think I'm behind my parents death." 

"It's not like that," she reassured. "Just hear me out. You were right, I was dead. Well nearly dead, if they hadn't saved me. You want to know what they were doing there? Well, they followed a trace, and as stupid as it sounds it was a pen. A pen that was actually a bomb in disguise. It was activated and they followed it to Thorns and Roses." 

"A pen?" I mocked. "You believe that all that happened because of a dumb ass pen? Let's just assume that it was a pen how exactly would they have known about it? The next thing you'll be telling me is that the pen had legs and they followed it. The truth is they were stalking us they cause-"

"Stop!" She shouted. "Listen. It wasn't any ordinary pen. It was one of theirs. They have these weird gadgets and one of them is this pen that blows things up if you click it or something it triggers the bomb and you have a limited amount of time to get away from it if you haven't set the timer. It looks like this." 

She pulled out a golden fountain pen, that looked like a Parker pen in structure. Just then I felt something get stuck in my throat nearly suffocating me. I'd seen that pen before, I'd seen it the first time I was at the Patriots it was in one of the rooms and Travis had explained to me how it worked. I hadn't put it back, instead I remembered taking it with me and after that I didn't know where it went. Could it have been me who triggered that bomb? Panicked, I started digging into my pockets. If the pen was anywhere it would have been in my hoodie pockets, that's where I'd kept it.

"What are you doing?" Mia asked, confused. 

"Mia.." I breathed. "I had the pen.... I to- I took it when I first came here and... and I don't even know where I put it." 

Just then Charles and Andrew walked in. Hesitantly I inched away from them, I still wasn't sure whether I could trust them. Just because they'd saved Mia didn't make them saints all of a sudden, Charles was a terrorist that could never make him or anyone like him a saint. And Andrew, he knew about it but was still protecting him. I couldn't tell who was worse. 

"What were you doing at that house?" Andrew asked. 

"No comment," I answered. 

"Kayla," he started, "I understand we haven't been truly honest with you but it makes no sense for you to not trust us now. I mean I'm sure your friend has told you how we-"

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