Chapter 1: Bloodbath Diablos

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An army marches through the arid desert, determined to defeat a creature that has been terrorizing the landscape for generations. A Diablos. One of the most fierce species of mamono. So fierce, that there were still male specimens that lived among them. But none was more well known than Bloodbath.

He had suffered greatly when he was young, and lost his left horn, and part of his club. He then disappeared after the murder of his parents and the loss of two vital defenses. He was never heard from again. Until many years later, he emerged from the sands completely changed.

His wings, face and parts of his covered with bluish blood. The horn he lost has regrown, but misshapen, and his tail club uneven, on part larger, the other smaller. The monstrous Diablos slaughtered nearby villages, only sparing families and young children. He then went further south, towards Soget, a large oasis city of the Order and incredibly important to the Order, as it helped them get many riches from old abandoned pyramids. So, they sent an army along with Lescatie's best heroes. Only for them to meet the force that could bring an Elder Dragon to it's knees.

The army marches onwards. But soon, the sands start to rumble and shake. The army stands at the ready. But in reality, they aren't. The sand explodes upwards, sending soldiers flying. Two bloody red eyes glare through the dust cloud, before the owner finally leaps out, bringing his large wings down with such force that another platoon is sent pirouetting through the air. He then finally stand tall, bluish blood dripping form his body. He chuckles darkly, glaring at the army again.

"So this is all the Order can muster. This is less troops the army that gave me my name sake. Oh well, time for another Bloodbath."

He smiled, before charging into another platoon, murdering some men, while injuring others. He grabbed a young solider and throws him towards a nearby pyramid. He smiled to himself, before lifting a boulder nearly twice his size and throws it towards the army, killing at least 50 soldiers in one go. You see, Bloodbath can sense emotions. And he can also slightly probe into ones mind. So he targets those who have nothing to lose nor gain, and he kills those. He dodge a lance strike. And holy shit the wielder was smoking hot.

 And holy shit the wielder was smoking hot

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"Prepare to die foul creature!"

"Huh, that's ironic. If I remember correctly, you humans have more corrupt people than a high rank succubus has following her around."


The Diablos smiles, as she once again jabs the lance towards him. He locks her lance in place with his horns, and twists disarming her. He swings his tail, hitting her with the smaller side of his club. With her unconscious he turns to the rest of the army. But his eyes lay upon something that causes his blood to boil. He sees an old fat veteran staring in terror at the Diablos. The man's face. He would never forget it. That is the man who killed his parents.

He was Bathed in Blood (Bloodbath Diablos x MGE)Where stories live. Discover now