Chapter 2: Bloody Vengeance

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The Diablos's veins start to boil. Literally. Steam started to curl off his body. Red veins flowed in his wings. He slammed his right wing into the ground and roared, his eyes beginning to glow a pinkish violet.

      He can only see him. The man who killed his parents. He begins to scratch the ground with his legs, before charging furiously, throwing anyone in his way into the air. The old veteran fumbled with his sword. But he would be too slow anyways. The enraged Bloodbath smashes into him, continuing to run through several sand dunes.  He stops and slams the man into the ground. He steps on the man's chest, who starts to scream in pain as the monsters body heat starts to melt his chest plate.

"I'm going to tear you apart. Limb from limb. Slowly. Then, I will not kill you out right. I will let your slowly bleed out, and reflect on your action."

     Bloodbath grabs the old man's right arm and begins to pull, before ripping off the man's arm. He screams. But before he can do the same it his other arm, something jabs him in the side. He roars in pain, stepping off the veteran. A heavy force impacts with his side, sending him skidding across the sand. He roars in anger turning to face his attacker.

 He roars in anger turning to face his attacker

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(She's not a monster yet)

     He snarls, steam still curling from his body. He lifts a boulder nearly twenty times his size. He tosses, sending soaring towards the hammer girl. She swings her hammer, and lightning courses through it. She swings her hammer upwards, smashing the boulder into pebbles. Bloodbath frowns. He noticed that the lance girl has woken up and is helping him. Must be his daughter. He snorts, and begins to dig. He tunnels incredibly quickly, before bursting out of the ground, spinning through the air like a drill.

He knocks away the two women and slowly lower his face to stare directly into his face.

"I'll spare you. I'll let you stay with your family, the right you never gave me."

     He then backs away, before tunneling back into the earth. He travels far away, to a village to the west. He emerges from a dune, a small distance away. He sits down and stares out at the happy families, the joyous children hugging their parents. He sighs, before tunneling again. He travels north, entering a large gorge. He emerges, and beats his wings, jumping from rock to rock, before climbing into a cave. He quietly curls up in a sunlit spot, coming from a large hole in the roof of the cave.

But he soon hears a loud roar echo from the distance. His head jerks up, and his purplish eyes glint slightly. He stand up, and walks to the mouth of his cave, only to see a boulder fly past it. He peeks out and sees some Order soldiers fighting a monster girl. A Savage Deviljho.

        The hunger crazed beastess was flinging the soldiers around like rag dolls

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The hunger crazed beastess was flinging the soldiers around like rag dolls. They soon retreat, but she suddenly raises her head and sniffs. She turns and their eyes meet. She grins, and begins to charge towards his home. He growls, before charging out and jumping, landing in front of her. She slows to a stop. He can unfortunately smell her musk. She was in heat.

He sighs. He occasionally he had to deal with horny Black Diablos during mating season, but he just knocked them out. Then he just found a hero, knocked them out, and threw him at the knocked out Diablos. When they awoke... fun time. But this was a Savage Deviljho. Notorious for hunting down incredibly strong males, and hopefully being beaten by them so they could mate and have strong children, similar to how Diablos worked. He knew this wasn't going to be good. Their hunger meant both hungry hunger, and... lust hunger.

The Savage Deviljho roars and charges towards him. He scowls and braces. He feels her slam into him, trying to get him knocked over. But he lifts her up with his horns, and throws her over his head. She slams into the ground with a heavy thud. She growls and stands up, before a dark cloud of energy surrounds her head, and she lets out a massive roar. In return, Bloodbath also enters his enraged state. They charge, and clash, causing a massive explosion of steam and dragon energy.

      The Savage Deviljho catches his horns in her teeth, but is quickly met with a large club to the face. She lets go and stumbles back. She shakes her head and looks back at Bloodbath. She looks him up and down, as if noticing for the first time his large twisted horn and club. She frowns, before she growls again and inhales.

       Bloodbath starts to tunnel into the ground, and just as he is completely submerged, a blast of dragon energy surges over him. He tunnels towards her, before bursting out of the ground and doing the corkscrew maneuver again, slamming into her chest, and sending her flying. She slams it the ground. She gets up, but starts to cough violently as one of her past scars, a large one across her chest, suddenly tears open, making blood pour out of the revived wound.

      She coughs up blood, before kneeling over. Bloodbath instantly cools down and rushes forwards. He gently picks up the injured beastess and observed the wound. This a very old wound. Guess his last attack was enough to cause it to tear open. He scowls, as if recognizing the wound. Without the constant cloud of dragon energy, he could see her face more clearly. The scars on her lips. The one on her left cheek. Bloodbath's eyes widen as he recognizes the beastess he's holding. His old childhood love, Saru.

       He thought she had died during the destruction of the village. But apparently not. He gently hoisted her over his shoulder, and he trudged back to his cave. Once he reaches it (albeit some difficulty, as expected when your lifting a beautiful monster babe as heavy as you.), he gently lays her down.

      He goes to the back of the cave, where you can see discarded pieces of cloth and medicinal objects. He gently rustles around a bit for some strands of cloth, and he finds some. He then moved aside some potions to grab one Mega Potion. He then stomps back to her. He gently bandages the wound, albeit with some difficulty due to her massive breasts.

       He tries to avoid touching the large black nipples that perched comfortably on the two large orbs of very horny monster girl. He then props her up, and gently makes her drink the Mega Potion. Once the green healing liquid is gone, he lays her down again, and goes to tidy up. He then rustles around and finds some old tarp, and gently drapes it over her. He then curls up next to her, smiling. Her large thick tail shifts slightly and drapes over his as he falls asleep.

He was Bathed in Blood (Bloodbath Diablos x MGE)Where stories live. Discover now