Ms. Marvel

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"Hey are you ok! Please dont be dead please!"

You wake up to feel someone shaking you. You look up and see a girl with a red mask and a blue dress on.

"*GASP* MS. MARVEL!? *cough cough!"

"Yep wait...omg your (y/n) Stark!! Omg I follow you on social media!!"

She says helping you up.

You cough harshly and she holds you in support.

"Dont worry I already helped your friend, now let's get you to safety."

She stretches really big and takes you in her hands.

"Thanks Ms.Marvel. your awesome."


"Oh God! Is she ok!?"

Tony asks with his mask off. You go over and lean on him.

"Dad it was awesome. Dad Ms. Marvel saved me she grew super big and cared me in her huge hands. I cant believe I got saved by her!"

"And I cant believe I'm meeting you! Quick Question can I get a picture! My friend squirl girl will NEVER believe this!"

"As long as you send it to me."

You two huddled together and then Ms. Marvel took the picture. "Here I'll give you my number." She hands you her phone and watches you put in your name to her contacts. "Text me whenever ok?" Ms. Marvel squeals. "Oh thank you Ms. Stark! I better go there are still people that need help." She says before stretching her legs and walking away. "Are you ok? How do you feel?" He asks fretfully. "Yeah I'm fine totally just breathed in to much smoke." You say. "Ok good I've gotta go stay safe!" He says before flying away."Wait!" You called out but it was too late he couldn't hear you. You watched as he flew into danger and as your friend was transported to the hospital. And you were left alone wondering. "How am I supposed to live up to you?"


At the hospital you walk into your friend's room. "Hey...where were you I thought you were in the ambulance with me." She says. "Yeah well I went to the gift shop and they didn't have anything that you would like so I went across the street and bought you a emo rock band magazine, a poster, a hausta, and a cute little get well card." You say as you hand her the stuff. She opens up the card and smiles. "Awe and you even put the simple of my religion...MCR." She says. "Yeah I thought the card tied in with your hole Melanie Martinez space." You say. "Its called little space." "Sweety I know what it's called but I'm not gunna say it cause its wierd." You say in a calm manner. You both laughed. "What the hell even Is this plant?" She says. "I told you it's a hasta! It's a tipe of cactus." "I cant take care of plants. You know that." "Its called wikipedia." "You know wikipedia is stupid." "Oh I'm sorry should I take everything back?" "No no I'm good." Your phone rings and you see it's a new number. "I'll be right back I gotta take this." You step outside and take the call. "Hello?" "Um hi is this (y/n) Stark?" "Yes who is this and how did you get this number?!" "Well my name is Peter Peter Parker and-" "Oh my dads intern!" "Yeah Um but that's not why I called. I know what happened to the building and I cant get in touch with Mr. Stark. He might be in trouble!" "What!" Are you serious!!!" "Yes! So is there anyway you can patch me to him!" You pop back in the room. "I'm really sorry but I gotta go call me if you need anything." You say before running down the hall. "Ok if your my dads intern your now my intern too so explain to me intern." "Ok ok so I saw this guy he threw something in and it exploded but hes still there throwing bombs." "Thank you intern!" You end the call and get your Google assistant to call your dad. "Hey what's up kiddo I'm actually just wrapping up here." "GET OUT OF THERE NOW! THERES A MAN THERE WHO BLEW UP THE PLACE AND HE'S STILL THERE!!! THESE BACEBALL BOMBS!!! BOMBS IN BACE BALLS GET OUT NOW!!!!" You run out of the hospital and into the street. "Ok baby I am." The call ends. You called that number. "Yo intern! Where you at I could use your help!" Then suddenly you felt an arm wrap around your waist and wind fly in your face. When your feet hit solid ground you hear a voice. "I'm here." You saw spider man standing before you. "Great now I need you to be my eye in the sky. And my ride." You hop on his back. "High hoe silver!" You say. He web swings to the nearest building. "Are you sure about this?" "Dont worry I've got my own mask." He looks back and sees your deadshot mask. "Wait what?" "What not a fan? Now come on get me down there." He takes you down. "So how am I gunna be able to talk to you?" "I've got a bluetooth earpiece in. And I'll call you see." You pull out your phone, call him and his microphone connects. "See. Now go my little spider!" You pull out your gun ready to roll. He webslings on ahead of you. "Ok so your clear so far. And take the next right." You go over to the corner hiding behind the building to peak around it. "Your clear just go!" "Peter do you have ANY idea where the Bomb guy is?" "Wait stop he's across the street." "Who the hell are you?" You turn around and see a man behind all this. "You haven't heard of deadshot? Now that's just sad." The guy takes a teddy bear from a bag. "Well heres an apology gift!" He says throughing it. You run only to get blown off your feet. You get up and run over to the closet building to be your shield. "Oh what's the matter punk cant take a hit" He says storming over. You pop out from behind the building."I can but can you?" You say before opening fire only to watch him go for his bag. You turn away and run shooting a nearby fire hydrant. And letting the water hit you then get down on the ground covering your face and head before a swirling ball of fire hits you. Then you hear Peater screaming. "Oh God shes dead oh no what have I done?" "Parker I'm not dead!" "Your not?" "No, but I've got a Question, should this make me a mersinary?" You ask. "Mabey...I dont know." You get up to walk but feel a pain in your sholder that's when- "(f/n) (m/n) Stark!" "Oh no big truble!" "You think!" That's when spiderman got down there. "Hey Mr. Stark!" "Kid? You helped her?!" You took off the mask. "YES OK! BECAUSE I WAS SCARED! I DON'T WANT TO END UP WITH ANOTHER PARENT BIGHTING THE DUST! SO SORRY FOR RISKING MY LIFE TO SAVE YOU! SORRY FOR KILLING ANOTHER MAN WHO COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!" You scream at him as you threw off the earlobe mask. His mask lifts up and it was that face. The one that sent chills down your spine, the one that let you know that he ment business. His suit opens and all your confidence left you with its luggage, waving and screaming "bye feleasha!" Your dad storms over and you got ready for him to hit you but instead he wraps his arms around you. Pulling your head to his chest. "Why... you dont have to try to save me! Stop trying to prove something!" "I'm not trying to prove anything! I'm just trying to keep the greatest things in my life alive. I wanna help you cause I dont wanna loose you!" You cry clinging on to him. He said nothing but just placed a hand your head then hide his face in your hair. You suddenly felt another arm wrap around you. You both looked and found Peter was hugging you both. "Oh sorry ruined the moment." He says letting go. "Get in here!" You say gesturing him over. "Really ? " You nod and gesture him over. He walks over and you pull him in. "Yeah no and you too separate." Your dad said pushing you off him. "That's cool I need to get going Anyway. See you around Mr. Stark." Peter says before webslinging away.


"Hey guys it's me Tony Stark."

"And me the Author of this story!"

"I wanna say thank you all for reading this I love you all but this Author needs help"

"I'm literally writing this story blind here you guys. I need your help, save me and Tony!"

"As soo as you read this our story could be gone."

"Please tell me your ideas on what should happen."

"I feel paralyzed" Tony Stark x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now