imagine dragons

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*listen to Imagine dragons mega mix 2 during this chapter*

You had your favorite drink in front of you and when no one was around you stood up, used your powers to send the drink up out of your cup in a silky stream. You moved it around as if it were a Chinese dragon. All around the room it soard. Till you had a harsh movement, (almost like hitting the wow) and it froze and shattered on the floor. You lifted up each big chunk and you crushed it into small fragments. Using all the broken fragments on the floor you put them together to form origami crain's that flocked together and flew around the room. Then you used the frosted fragments to attach to your skin so that they could make long blades and you pretended to be fighting a battle like that then you used the frosted fragments to make lots of ice cycles and shot them around the room. Then you made the ice disperse and fall like snow flakes to the ground. "So not only can you move things with your mind," a voice from behind you says making you spin around in shock. You saw the image of room shift and there stood your dad. "But you can shift them to your will." He says. "How did you do that?"  You ask. "Stark tech. One day you'll learn the ropes." You look down at your feet in shame. "Whats wrong?" Tomy asks. You stood silent for a moment, finding words and the courage. "How long till I'm cured?"  Tony looked shocked then he sniffed and scratched his nose. He was obviously nervous but he wasn't going to admit it. "Its gunna be a while right?"  He looks up at you. "Yeah but it wont be very long." He says. "This cap can stop my powers right? And control my mind right?" You ask. "(Y/n) I see where your going with this and I'm telling you right now stop thinking it." Tony says giving you that face wich chilled you down to the bone. "If you made some sort of shackles or something to go around my ankles and my wrists then they can control my body! If I'm doing wrong they can shock me as a form of correction!"  You say.

"Your talking about treating you like an animal!"

"I'm talking about restraining me like one! That's what shield dose! Your only saying no cause you don't want to see me like that! Your only treating me MORE like an animal by keeping me in a cage!"


You were startled by his reaction. It was scary to see him like that. To see him.....angry. "I'd rather you stay in a cage where your safe and sound than you being controlled again." He says before walking twords the door. "Wait, please dont leave like this!"  You cried but he walked out the room and securely locked the door. "No! Please you can't leave me like this! Please! I don't want to be in a cage please! Dont lock me away!"  You cried. You hit the glass only to get shocked. You layed down on the ground with your sense heightening and your hydra soldier ways kicking back in. You tried to use your power but the cap had turned itself on. You tried to take it off but it just wouldn't come off. That's when you used your head, literally. You backed up and got in headbutting position and ran at full force twords the only solid wall there was. When your head impacted the wall the helmet broke and shut off. Now broken the device could be taken off. You held on to the helmet as you broke the cage. As you walked twords the door layers blasters aimed right at you. With your power they all bent ninety degrees and malfunctioned. Then the door opened and you walked out of the awful room and found your father totally dumbfounded. You used the helmet to make sharp objects and launched them Tony's way. In the blink of an eye Tony's suit formed around him and your attack failed. "Looks like nano tech is two fast for you." You could have taken his nano bots or worse used them to crush him but instead you tore the metal pipes out of the walls and created a gyant. That, with a single punch, sent Tony flying. The gyant picked you up and surrounded you inside itself. Then bursts through the towers walls till it reaches a window to break through and escape. "Averagers we have a problem."

"Well done Crisis. You have completed your task with flying colors. But sadly now that we know that your mind has not fully been programmed we fear there is more work to be done." The commander says before you were given a high voltage shock in your back.  You cried and fell to

"I feel paralyzed" Tony Stark x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now