Last of the real ones

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Your vision began to fade but you could still hear and feel people around you.

"Lay her on the gerny!"
"Stay with us Ms. Stark"

You felt a cold hand move from your forhed over your hair then repeat that same action. "You're gunna be ok sweetheart take all the time you need ok? I love you." You move your head around like a newborn puppy trying to find its momma.

You struggle to open your eyes, but as soon as you open them you quickly shut them due to the verry bright light. You open your eyes again but look around to see who the hand and voice belonged to.

You saw a VERY tired worried version of your dad sitting on your bedside. "Hay sweetheart You can go back to sleep ok" He says softly as he continues to pet you. "Dad am I sick?" You said disoriented. Tony trys to hide a frown with a smile and hold back his tears.

"Yeah but you need to get some sleep ok so you can get better." You could hear sniffling on the other side of the bed. So you turn your head to investigate. Pepper sat in the corner in a chair with a tissue to her eye.

You look back at your dad about to ask him why she was crying but his voice cut you off before you could say anything. "Hay it's ok don't look around ok just go back to sleep ok." You see he was trying so hard to hold back his tears but some would roll down his cheek.

"But I don't wanna go back to sleep." You whimper fealing something bad was wrong with you. Tony begins to cry harder not able to hold it back anymore. Pepper steps up and sites on the other side of the bed.

"(Y/n) Do you remember what happend at the conference?" She says still sniffling. You shake you head with tears in your eyes. She tells you there was a man and he kicked you in the back and you might be temporally paralyzed.

You looked at both of them. "Am I gunna die! I don't wanna die!" You say beginning to ball. Tony leans down and whipes your tears away with his hands. "Shhhshhhshhhhh your not gunna die."

You raped your arms around his kneck. "I don't wanna die dad don't let me die please!" You cry to him. "Sweety your not gunna die ok you just might not be able to walk for a while." He says softly still balling.


After Four minutes of your disorientational drama scean, you cryed yourself to sleep. That was 6 Hours ago.

Tony hid his face in his hands. "I thought that I'd be the one to save her not the other way around." He says running his fingers through his hair. "Well she is a very skilled girl Tony all that experience and hard times have tuffen her up." Pepper says rubbing his back.

"I know but it's just..." He sits back in the chair. "I didn't think we'd be in here again not this soon." There was a strong silence between the two until you took a deap breath of air threw your nose and rubbed your eyes tiredly.

You look around the room, your gaze stoped at Tony and Pepper. "How awesome did I look?" You say slowly smiling. They smile back at you, Pepper chuckling. "Yep that's your Daughter alright..."

She says walking around the bed and sitting down on the opposite side of it. "How you feeling sweety?" She says putting a hand on your arm. You sat up  "I can't feel anything." You say looking at her still smiling.

"I feel paralyzed" Tony Stark x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now