Alone I am nothing

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You were riding your bike down a hill. It was steep but not to steep. This was the only way for you to get to the park from your house. Sure you could have cut threw the alleyways to save time but you liked being out of the house, riding your bike made you felt unstoppable.

You where wearing your favorite belly shirt over a tank top wich you tucked under a pair of skinnyjeans and a flannel shirt around your waist.

You and your bike where inseparable, you loved that thing ever since you got it. You rode it to and from school ,to the park, to Ultimate Frisby practice. You stopped at the stop light waiting on the light to say walk. You were up front closest to the rode with alot of people behind you. Luckily for you, you've been this way so many times that you knew exactly when it turns green.

You counted down the seconds left like it was some race and you had to speed across the rode before anyone else got to the other side. '3,2,1!' The light terns green and you dash to the other side of the rode leaving the rest of the people eating your dust.

You walk your bike to your lucky spot. A small bolder shaped like pride rock from the lion king with a small tree right beside it. You lean your bike on the tree and jump on top the bolder. You unzip your backpack and lay out a blanket pull out a few containers and a little cardboard sign that said Bracelets $5, Belts $10, Necklaces $9, Others $20

You begin to open up the containers and pull out some other item's from your backpack, neatly laying them out. "Good evenin' (y/n)" you look up from were the familiar voice came from. "Oh hi officer Mellon" "It's Mellion"

"Oops sorry still trying to get that in my brain" you tap your head trying to remember his name. "Its ok so what you sellin' today" He props himself against the rock looking at the stuff you made. "Well I have one thing I think you might like, it's a new one I've been working on behold!"

You hold out a selfmaid circle stitch beaded bracelet with the colors red, yellow and blue and a little iron man charm on it. "I made this with REALY elastic string and glass beads. And the charm I made with some playdow and coated it with nailpolish" he takes it and examines it. "Thats amazing (y/n) you got a real talent" you shake your head.

"Naw I learned how to do it its really easy" he just nods his head. "Hay do you have a bracelet just like this but with the hulk?" "Sorry Officer Mellion I'm working on it though and when I finish it you'll be the first person I sell it to" "Yeahhh you the girl!" He gives you a fist bump. After you two exchanged goodbyes he walks off.

It was late so you packed up your things and peddled off. It was dark but you could still see thanks to the lights. You walk your bike up the hill. Bye the time you got up the hill you felt a little scared the streets were totally clean of people wich sent a chill down your spine, making you shiver. You herd some thunder and saw some lightning.

"It looks like its gunna rain" you sit your backpack to the back of your bike (cause its one of those old bikes) and slip on your jacket then slide the backpack back on. You hear a loud bang of thunder wich makes you jump. "Ok maybe home wouldn't be so bad right now" your stumich starts to rumble. "Oh right" you peddle off to the pizza shop that wasn't to far from here.

You enter your apartment quietly. You knew it was late and you're mom might have already over doused on some drugs. You always took pictures of them you never new why. Mabye you did it for evidence? As a reminder that this was your mom now? And all you were was a worthless street rat. You take the pizza to your room cause it smelled WAY better than the kitchen.

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