"How do i live up to you?"

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Tony was doing his thing as usual working in his lab doing whatever it is he dose. When suddenly he felt like he should cheack up on you, via father intuition or whatever. So he uses the towers servailance system to look in on you. You had your paints out and open but you weren't there. He started to wonder where you were since you never just left your paint open. "BWA!" Someone says grabbing his shoulders. He gasped then turned around nearly pulling a muscle in his neck to see you laughing and smiling. "Gosh (y/n)! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He says grabbing his chest. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry do you need to go to the hospital or something?" You say in full safety first mode. "No I'm fine. Whew you startled me." He says. "Sorry I startled my mom alot too. I could walk in a room then when she turned around she jumped. It happens at school to I guess I'm just that good at not being eye catching." You say shrugging. "Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to come paint with me if your not to busy?" You added. Tony looked at what he was just working on then git up. "(Y/n), I'm sorry...." He says looking distraught wich made you know what he was going to say, and the answer made you feel bad for interrupting him. "That you had to ask! Yeah I'll race you even!" He says with a change of attitude, making you realize he was faking before. "Oh yeah!" You say running out the lab with him behind you. As you both raced to your room you both tried to cheat and get ahead of the other. "I win!" Tony cheared entering your room. He opened his eyes and looked around the room shocked at the sight. Your room was in total disarray, showing signs of a struggle. "Wha?" Tony says looking back to you but you wernt there. "(Y/n)? (Y/n) sweety? This isnt funny." Tony says leaving the room and tracing back his footsteps but couldn't find you. Anywhere. "(Y/n)! (Y/n) where are you?!" Tony called out.

"Tony wake up. Wake up Tony!"

Tony jolted up and looked around. He was in his lab, he must have fallen asleep. "Tony are you Alright?" Widow asks. "Is (y/n) still..." He says trailing off not able to finish the sentence. "Missing? Yeah but we're close Tony, we'll get her back." She says. "I hope so Natasha. I hope she's ok." He says grabbing the picture of you (*from getting noticed part 1*) of you sleeping from off his desk and holding it fermly in his hands.


"Excellent, Crissis you have done well. I see much improvement since your last test. Again let's see if this isn't just luck." A Hydra soldier commands. Without a word you turned to face the next aponnent. And then with a blink of an eye his legs were broken. You never moved, didn't even flinch. "This is the knew super soldier. The one that can bend anything to thier will only with a single thought." The soldier says to his caminder in cheaf. "Excellent, then world domination is within our grasp. Send her out on the feald immediately see how she dose in war." The commander says. You looked back at the two men with a blank and lifeless face.

"Hale Hydra! HALE HYDRA!" All the other genetically modified soldiers. "Crisis this is your stop! You know your orders now go!" The cammander ordered. You grabbed your parachute and jumped from the airplane. As the ground was miles from you, you yanked the cord and was slowed down by parachute. Once safely on the ground of the woods you strolled into the OPEC complex. "Excuse me but you cant be in here!" Says one of the employees. And with a wave of your hand he was sent flying into a wall. As you made your way to the center you used your mind powers to blow up the whole building. As you emerged from the flames and found avengers, Hulk and Falcon. "Um cap we might have a situation here." Falcon says. "What is it?" Cap asks threw the radio. "Good news and bad news, Good news Tinny Stark has been found." He says nervously. "Seriously?"  "Bad news is that hydra turned her." He explains. "Whatever you do stay clear of her. Who knows what they did to her."  Hulk taped falcon on his shoulder to redirect his attention to you. Then he noticed that several gyant flaming debrie rising up from behind you. "I think I might know what they did." He explains before the derie is launched at them. Hulk got in the way and smashed all the peices. You then slowly lifted the biggest piece of debrie and through it at hulk nocking him off his feet. That's when falcon came in and blew a huge gust of wind sending you flying off your feet and hitting your head on a nearby rock.


You struggled to get loose from your restraints but couldn't. And using your new power wasn't going to work since they had a device on your head that prevented you from using your mind powers. "Let me go you vile imbasilic swine!"  You spat. Tony couldn't even look at you. He even denied that it was you. "That's not her, I know my daughter and that's not her!" Tony says. "How could you say that!"  Pepper says. "Look at her eyes! There's NOTHING, That's not her!" Tony says nearly in tears. "She'll snap out of it. We have a specialist coming in to go through her mind and bring her back." Cap says putting a hand on his sholder. "I want my Daughter back, I want her back Steve, I cant- I cant go on without her. Not like this." He says.

*yo guys!*
It's me Author chan. Thank you for SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Many reads! I cant believe it! I dont know if it's because it's a Tony Stark x daughter reader or because it's a depressed daughter reader. But I cant Express the gratitude of so many likes and reads! This was probably one of my favorite one to write about until infinity war came out then end game, since then I've been to upset to even think about this story. But after a while an angel came to my rescue. loki_spn Answered my cry for help and gave me some good idea. So thank you loki_spn for helping me and all these readers. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

"I feel paralyzed" Tony Stark x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now