Feisty mermaid

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Finn POV

The sea was at ease today, it was sunny but not blinding, a smooth and peaceful sound came from the waves hitting the Dark Orca. It was what I often considered a perfect day, that is, if the (brutes) people aboard were not so... barbaric. Sure I was one of them, but I had dignity and pride, something that the people here seemed to lack. I don't mind being a pirate, it can be really fun and adventurous, but my dad seriously needs a new crew, these people are useless. My baby sis, Mad Madeline, is always excited to do something pirate-y, which often kills my desire to participate, seriously she lives for this. Our dad is always trying to get us to do stuff together since he hates leaving Madeline working with our crew, but I sincerely get frustrated while working with her I tend to go solo as often as possible.

Today we were meant to visit this underwater city or something like that, some pirates had begun creating some sort of big metallic machine that could get you underwater without drowning. It was placed on your head, and on your neck, it had some sort of material that didn't allow the water to get in and it forced the air to stay inside. There was a strong tube that connected the metal head cover to the surface, so you had air constantly. In the face, it was a very strong glass, so you could see, it sounded cool and dad had hired this small group of really smart people to make these things perfect.


Fontaine POV

It was a bit cold, I will admit that not many creatures swam in the area I was currently at. It had a bit of a rough current, but I love pushing my limits, and cold water is nice now and then. My parents were off checking the area, making sure that dangers to our kind stayed away or chased after something else. My brother was inside a wrecked ship, probably trying to find as much human stuff possible. Seriously he is obsessed with knowing how everything and anything works, he is often trying to figure out why we share some qualities when we are so different from them. In my case, I find humans a bit interesting but also quite dumb, I mean if you managed to build this huge creepy boat and you know it can break or an accident can happen, then learn to swim before you use it! Mom and dad have known of various cases where humans sometimes fall off their big boats and can't even stay afloat with barely any waves around them. Stupid and dumb creatures are what humans are.

Since Ant was in the creepy big ship underwater I decided to stay close by. Sometimes he forgets to be aware of his surroundings and ends up screaming for help. There were quite a few fishes around us, and they were quite colorful, but also quite quick to swim away when they saw me. Some fishes think we will eat them, but we rarely eat fish, not all of them are tasty.

I looked up to see that to a decent distance there was a human ship, floating in the same area, not moving. It was odd, ships were often moving quickly, especially in our area, because it was in the middle of nowhere and humans need food and a different type of water to survive if they run out while being out here it's troublesome because they start fishing and ruining everybody's lives. But then again, they were at a nice distance from us, we were safe, for now at least.

Finn POV

Today the machine was going to be tested, there were rumors that the underwater city was right underneath where our ship had been stopped. This time we had a pretty big crew working with us, in case there was treasure to take out. Two people were sent down to test the machine first, we might be pirates but we had self-preservation just like any normal human being. After two full hours, they came back up, the machine had worked, and there was some sort of building underwater, they didn't approach it, as soon as they saw it, confirmed it was a building, and then they moved on towards the surface. Dad was excited, and so was my younger sister, all three of us would go down, with three more of our current crew, I must admit I was also excited, but not as much as my sister. Soon it was time to go down...

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