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      The first time Mr. Hammer, also known as Hammerhead (nickname gained after a hammer fell on his head and didn't hurt him), met the Nektons it was while he was diving in the waters of the Atlantic. Near his diving spot there was, apparently, some sort of treasure that also allowed people to find Lemuria, the lost city. Whenever something related to the Nektons popped in the radar it was bad news. That family was known for breaking the law in the most unimaginable way possible.

      Not only that but it didn't helped the fact that they were rich, a long line of Nektons had stolen, and committed fraud as much as possible. And so the latest generations of Nektons hardly needed to worry about money. What Mr. Hammer couldn't understand was how their misbehavior had continued on through all those generations, especially without being caught by the authorities. Sure they had come close, but whenever things went south for the sneaky family, they would head out to international waters, where no one could put them in jail or have rights over them.

      The first time Hammer's family had a full on, face-to-face encounter with the Nektons was while they went to The Floating Black Market (FBM for short) to place a tracker on the boat of Black Troy; a man known for selling illegally in every single body of water. Black Troy, apparently, was going towards a hidden "safe house", probably a boat or something alike, where he had many artifacts stolen from a museum. After placing the tracking device inside his boat, the Hammer family went towards their small yacht. There, was where they saw the Nektons.

      The Hammers couldn't do anything without an order of having seen them do something wrong. all the Nektons had done was pay an old navigator for translations, nothing illegal, yet. Hammerhead soon locked eyes with Will Nekton, the head of the family, a Nekton by blood, a follower of his name's expectations. Will smiled, knowing they weren't in danger, but he also know how much Mr. Hammer wanted him behind bars.

      "Charles Hammer! What a nice pleasure to finally meet you properly!" Will said as he showed his teeth while smiling.

      Clearly Hammer knew they did had a small window where they could arrest the Nektons, but they were in the FBM, and many others would get in their way and cause trouble. There was also the fact that there was also the need to find more and more evidence against them.

      "Will Nekton I presume, and I see you are with your family." Hammer said as he gave the fakest smile to ever come to existence.

      "Well yes, this is my beautiful wife, and my two amazing kids. Kaiko, Fontaine, Anthaeus, this is the Hammer family. His kids, those two, are Madeline and Finnian." Will said making Hammer skip a beat. How on Earth did Will knew of his family?

      Kaiko tried to look non-amused but it was clear she was a bit jumpy, often looking at her kids and the water. Meanwhile Finnian was having a bit of a hard time looking away from the exotic beauty in his view. She was smaller than him, with a beautiful dark skin, shiny eyes covered in mischief, and a short hair with purple bangs. Her body was slim but strong looking, Finnian knew she was often the one to infiltrate areas with animals inside, one of the few things he accepted from the Nektons.

      "Finnian is too much of a mouthful, from now on you are Finn." Fontaine had suddenly declared making Anthaeus smirk and snort.

      "I believe it is time for us to part... I am sure we will see each other again..." Hammer said as Madeline sneered at Anthaeus.

      "We don't doubt it Mr. Hammer" Kaiko spoke softly, her words hidding her threat, for she was not going to lose her calm in front of her children and enemies.

      "We actually look forward to it!" Anthaeus said with excitement as he placed his hands on his waist.

      Looking forwards was something both families were indeed doing...


      Alarms were blaring in their ears as red flashed all around them. The Nektons had stolen from a museum placed in a huge platform in the water near the coast. The water around it was quite deep, and so it was a place typical for an attack from them. The Hammer family was already nearby when the alarms went off, so they rushed into the scene. Soon they parted ways, Madeline stayed with her father while Finnian went on his own. Three weeks had passed since their meeting with the Nektons, and he was buzzing with energy.

      "Well well well... If it ain't Finn, don't tell me you are here to arrest me, I though we had a good meeting!" Fontaine said as she pouted, but Finnian still noticed a relatively big backpack filled on her side.

      "Oh you have no idea Ms. Nekton... Now, are we doing this the hard way or the easy way?" Finnian muttered to himself before taking his cuffs out and speaking to her.

       " Mmmm.... I think I will choose the hard way. "

      "My favorite" Finnian started running as soon as the words left his mouth.

      Fontaine smiled widely as she ran, trying to stay ahead of him, but she had to admit, he was rather quick. Her backpack didn't make it any easier to run, but she often trained and she would be damned if she allowed this guy to catch her when no one else could. While their chase continued, which involved throwing stuff and jumping, Kaiko was hacking into the treasure they were actually there for. All Fontaine and Will were doing was get attention away from her.

      Their desire was to get the newest artifact in the museum, which they were sure it would direct them to Lemuria. The Nekton family had always wanted to return home, but everything and anything made it impossible. This generation was trying their hardest, but it still was hard. Many obstacles were in their way, and who knew how many more existed.

      It wasn't until twenty three minutes later that Finn had managed to get Fontaine in a corner. Both were panting, our of breath, shaking with how much they had used their muscles and strenght. She was looking as cocky as ever, while Finnian simply felt his admiration for her grow. Who knew the girl he was meant to at least dislike made him react and act so strangely? He really couldn't understand, but it didn't matter, what did mattered was what happened and what was believed. He had to remember that she was the bad girl, that her family was filled with delinquents, and that it was hos job to stop her at all costs. So he tried to grab her arms in order to pin her arm, but she moved in the last second, and his hands ended up against the wall, each hand besides her waist.

They looked into each others eyes, and Fontaine's face, blushing and sweating a bit, was as amazing and gorgeous as Finn could imagine it. Slowly the world disappeared, nothing else mattered, no one else existed but the two of them. She smirked, it was awfully typical of her to do so, and he felt as if his legs were melting, slowly but surely. Then all of the sudden he heard a loud bang, he looked towards the place they had left behind and saw smoke. That was all it took for her to slip away, when he turned around, he saw her getting in a small boat, her family was already there. He knew he had lost, but the face his father and brother made was quite worth it. He saw her speed off, and he couldn't help but shake his head while a smile crawled up to his face. He would see her again, this was not the last time they would see each other, he could feel it.

This has been in my to-do list for so long, every now and then adding something. Tell me what you guys think, if I should change something, if you want another part, or if you want something specific. Write to you soon my dears!

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