Saturday And Secrets

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The bed shifted raucously sending (Y/n) moving as though she were on a boat during some rough seas.

"Bear is trying to get some extra Zs but Yogi wants him to play." Alex laughed as she threw herself under the covers, burrowing into the warmth.

Silence met her words.

Alex turned to face her wife, in the two days since they'd had the rather unlucky run-in with Lucy (Y/n) had taken to not talking to Alex and it was driving Alex crazy.

"You can't still not be talking to me." Alex smiled at her pouting wife. "Especially when you look so hot doing your little pouting routine."

"I'm ignoring you." (Y/n) said finally.

"And doing a good job of it." Alex mused.

"Shut up." (Y/n) said not looking at Alex, a fed up grimace cut across her face.

Alex smirked observing the profile of her wife, two days of (Y/n) silence was too much to handle. "I bet I can get you to talk to me."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes unimpressed with her wife's antics.

An idea formed in Alex's head, a mischievous devilish idea, one that she knew (Y/n) would like very much. Leaning forward so she was inches from (Y/n)'s ear Alex whispered. "If you put all the DNA molecules in your body end to end, the DNA would reach from the Earth to the Sun and back over 600 times."

(Y/n) remained seemingly unmoved so Alex presses in undeterred.

"There were some ancient viruses that used to infect humans but today, 8% of human DNA is actually made of those ancient viruses!" Alex whispered again, making sure her voice took a deeper more seductive tone. Alex knew how much her wife was a weirdo who liked geeky nerd talk.

"It won't work this time." (Y/n) responded grumpily.

"Let me try one more, this one will definitely get your attention," Alex smirked knowingly. "A Human penis once used to be spiny. That's scary, right? Luckily that DNA code which made the penis spiny is lost. Around 700,000 years ago Neanderthals and modern humans got separate from a common ancestor and that is when the modern humans actually lost that DNA code."

"No way!" (Y/n) gasped turning to face her wife.

Alex chuckled. "I told you that would work, and yes it is true."

(Y/n) frowned.

"When I was studying in University I had a boyfriend who thought that was a very good chat up line." Alex laughed, her brown eyes watching (Y/n) carefully. "Come on (Y/n) you can't stay mad at me forever."

Angry eyes turned on her as (Y/n) glared."You don't understand at all, I don't want to pretend Superwoman is cheating with you, I don't want to pretend with you. I don't care what a woman thinks who I've met a handful of times I only care what you think Alex, playing games seems like such an immature thing to do when it involves mocking our whole relationship."

Alex felt the weight of the words hit her between the eyes, (Y/n) didn't do heartfelt words very often but when she did she had the ability to make Alex's heart stop beating.

"Baby, I was only joking I thought it would be something for us to do together, we're a great team (Y/n) when we team up no one stands a chance, our last fight was very convincing, too convincing actually," Alex said softly putting her arms around her wife's prone body. "It wasn't supposed to be a serious thing that would make you sad and angry."

"I know, but I just can't we did all that gameplay Alex, I don't want to do it again, I want to just live my life with you. Not worry about someone else and what they think, who cares? If she doesn't believe you then that's okay it doesn't matter because I believe you."

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