Chapter 5: Bad Dreams=Cuddling

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Blood. Blood plastered against her face in an disgusting display of battle. Her hands were clammy, full with sweat. Her voice. Why couldn't she speak? All she could see was a dusty battlefield and a few dead bodies along it. She had to move. Her legs felt like lead. Alice struggled to her feet using her shoulders as leverage. Then her eyes caught the unmistakable blonde hair.


"Jax!" Her legs carried her faster than she though possible. She stood a few feet away. Blonde hair stuck to a sweaty, blood ridden face.Alice cupped her mouth in horror. Tears streamed rapidly down her well defined cheek bones. "Please..say something." The boy's head snapped to the side. Alice nearly jumped at the suddenness of it all.

He slowly stood up with a blank expression, a portion of his face was nothing but flesh and muscle, hideously mutated by a bullet. His jaw hung limply on one side, barely hanging by a bloody string of skin.

Jax tried to form words with his shattered mouth. but everything flashed before Alice. Her brother was perfectly fine now, excluding a few scratches and a few bruises.

"Run Alice!" A loud gunshot brought the woman to her knees. Her big brother lie helplessly on the battlefield. She tried rushing to his side but it felt as if the world was moving along with her.

"Run!!" Another shot. He lay limp on the ground. Alice pulled at her hair in distress. A scream from behind the grave racked her core.


"JAX!!!" I shot straight up, clutching my covers, soaked in sweat. A herd of footsteps sounded up the stairs and my door was thrown open violently. Ratonhnhaké:ton dove beside me and held my sobbing form to his sturdy, strong one.

"Hush..." My breath was uneven and wild as a free prisoner. I clutched his shirt between my fingers and held onto him like the only thing keeping me down to earth.His large hands cupped my shoulders and forced me to lay back against his chest. My sweat soaked hair stuck around the edges of my face, my tears were allowing the blonde mane to stick to my cheeks. "I'm here Alice."

Connor brushed back the hair away from my face and placed a long kiss to the top of my head. He gently rocked me back and forth like a child and whispered sweet words in his native tongue. I shifted to a more comfortable position and that's when I felt it.

The pain in my side had become unbearable. My thrashing must have irritated the wound and reopened what had begun healing. A chocked sob tore from my throat as I clutched my side with the free hand that wasn't entangled in Ratonhnhaké:ton's shirt.

"Shhhh..." His hand covered my own and slowly pulled the palm to his lips and gently kissed each finger. I whined helplessly like an abused puppy, wiggling and trying to add pressure to the wound. But Connor held firmer and rocked a bit slower.

Minutes turned into hours and my eyes started to slip close. I felt the bed shift as Connor tried to leave my side. Without moving, I caught his wrist and stared up at him with sad eyes.

"C-can I stay with you?" With a warm smile he nodded and swooped down to place an arm under my bent knees and across my shoulders. With a soft sigh I curled into his sternum and slightly hissed every time movement would jar my side. He nudged the door open with his foot and laid me on the warm bed. I immediately turned on my side and felt the weight of the bed shift as he crawled in beside me.

Opening my eyes I saw him staring at my pained expression. His hand reached up and stroked my red cheek with his thumb. Unsure of what to do I quickly leaned in and pecked his surprised lips. Then diving my head under his chin I found a comfortable position and started to drift into a restful slumber.


"Hmm." Connor grunted and wrapped his arms in a protective way, pulling the covers over my still shivering form.

*Morning, 3rd POV*

Achilles tapped on Ratonhnhaké:ton's door early the next morning. No answer. He was an old man who'd seen a lot in his lifetime, his patience had been running thin for awhile now. Twisting the cold door handle he had prayed that what was before him, was a dream.

The two young teenagers living under his roof were laying in Connor's bed with the blankets pulled up to their shoulders. From what he could see, they were naked. Although that wasn't the case at all Achille's stormed over and pushed the vase from the hall and threw it above the pairs's head'.

Shattering on contact Ratonhnhaké:ton immediately pulled Alice toward him and reached for his weapon on the bedside table.

"Old man!" Connor was pissed beyond comparison. Achille's was shocked to find the two still very clothed and now awake and angry. Connor stood from his bed and pushed past Achille's. The older male followed before shutting the door to which a shocked Alice still lay.

The two men stood in the hallway glaring daggers toward each other.

"What was she doing in your bed Connor?"

"She was screaming and crying from a nightmare and I couldn't leave her alone, she was the one who asked if she could spend the night." Wow Achille's, he felt like a complete ass now.

"If you can't beat them, join 'em..." The old assassin wobbled to the door and opened it. Alice, who was leaned against the door listening just about fell to the floor if not for Achille's quick reflexes.

"Alice, you will begin training once your wounds heal." Ratonhnhaké:ton's mouth fell open in a silent awe. Alice faired no better.

"Training for what?" Achilles stopped halfway down the stairs and glanced back up at the two.

"You my dear, are training to be an assassin."


Wow that went smoother than expected! So now out young buck is starting to train! I'm hoping to spread their relationship further over the next few chapters so if you have any idea's, please don't hesitate to comment or message me😘

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