Chapter 6: Kissing In Tree's Below Deck

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"Come on Alice, Assassin's have been climbing for decades!" Achille's, greatly amused, sat on a rock beside Connor as they watched the new blonde haired recruit attempt to climb an elderly oak. So far she had made it a whole three feet off the ground and was clutching it for dear life.

"Sure, but how many of them never climbed a tree in their life?!" The wind blew harshly and Alice's fingers dug that much more into the rough bark. Connor chuckled at the sight of her red cape tangling up in her feet. Achille's sighed and tapped the trunk of the tree with his cane.

"Plenty, now get a move on." Alice scowled down at Achille's but took yet another step up the trunk. She held determination Connor had seen her hold when she started moving around after she was shot.

"What the hell are you smirking at?!" Connor shrugged his shoulders, arms folder across his chest. Alice sighed and gripped the upper part of the tree. She pulled herself on the long branch and took a deep breath, glancing down at the earthy cold ground below her.

"Your might want to hurry, I think a snail just passed." Alice gritted her teeth in response to Ratonhnhaké:ton's choice words, sticking out her tongue in a childish manner. Achille's shook his head and whispered something to his older student. Connor immediately blushed and turned his head away.

Ratonhnhaké:ton gripped the hard bark of the tree and started his way up the old oak himself. Alice looked over her shoulder and saw the man achieve where she was at in three seconds, although it took her almost an hour. He wrapped an arm around her waist and hoisted her against his back.

"Wha-?!" Her hands tightened around his shoulders as he swung himself branch to branch with speed she didn't know was humanly possible. Her eyes were shut tightly until a familiar breeze caught her attention. When re-opened she peered over Connor's shoulder and realized they had made it to the top of the tree.

"Wow." Connor gently sat her on the large trunk and stood to full height.

"Now, do you see that bush pile down there?"

"You mean that tiny little speck of shrub?"

"Yes." Alice squinted, leaning forward just enough to finally eye the stack which looked much like a green dot. "You need to jump and land safely into it."

"Ummmm....what's the answer I'm looking for? Oh I know! Hell no!" Connor grinned and grabbed her upper arm in a vice grip. Alice found herself smashed against his chest, his hands cupping her face in a way that made her legs go numb.

"Now will you try?" Ratonhnhaké:ton's lips inched closer, Alice bit her bottom petal in anticipation. Her blue eyes drifted close again waiting for the press of her knights mouth. But she got something totally different.

"Connor you asshole!" Said male had threw the both of them off the branch and were now hurdling down and into the soft pile of leaves. She held on for life, pressing their bodies ever closer. Even though the fall wasn't that bad Alice popped straight up from the pile and tackled Connor back against the tree.

"Are you crazy?!" His face was as serious as a heart attack, he twisted Alice around and pinned her arms above her head. She was shocked to find his lips directly on her's the moment her mouth fell agape.

His tongue slipped past her lips to playfully rub her's in a seductive way. Alice whimpered at the dominance he was displaying, shrinking down and against him to show she wanted more.

"Eh hem!" With a growl Connor pulled back and glanced back at Achille's with knitted brows. "If you two are quite finished Mr. Faulkner would like to speak with Connor." Alice wiped the salvia Ratonhnhaké:ton had left from her upper lip and nodded. She whistled for her stallion and along came Lucius trotting right along.

"Aye Connor!" Shit. Not fast enough. "Mrs. Alice! It's occurred to me that you've never been on your lad's ship!" Alice cringed at the thought of a bunch of smelly men in an enclosed space.

"Yes, about that-"

"She hasn't stopped talking about it."

Alice mentally face palmed at Achille's volunteer. Lucius gave a whiny that sounded oddly like a chuckle. Alice nudged his side with the back of her boot, spurring him into silence. Ratonhnhaké:ton hid his smirk with the back of his hand, his eyes shooting to Alice with a devious look.

"Yes, it sounds good." The blonde hopped from her horse before patting him on the head. Mr. Faulkner hooked his arm as an invitation for Alice to do the same. With a forced smile the woman hooked her arm around the older male's. The smell of alcohol was faint but still made her nose wrinkle.

"I hope your not jealous, boy!" Ratonhnhaké:ton shook his head and followed the two, Alice trying to support the drunken man with what little weight she owned.


"Are you ready yet Connor?!" Alice pounded on the captain's quartets door with agitation. The door swung open revealing a over dressed man fixing his collar. Alice stepped back in awe with a small smile. Standing on her tippy toes she took the blue collar in her hands and adjusted the fabric herself. Patting down the last few wrinkles she lowered down to her height. Connor cupped her chin with light fingers and traced the line of her cheek bones.

"Oi! Captain!" Connor gave a heavy sigh and ran his hand through the blonde locks before pulling away and tending to the cannon that needed put back in place. Alice silently walked around the upper deck, enjoying the sound of her boots clicking against the wood.

"Alice dear, can I speak to you for a moment?" Mr. Faulkner seemed to be pretty sober now and called for Alice. Being the respectful woman she was, she stood beside the man and looked over the railing toward the beautiful blue sea. "All jokes aside, do you have something for Connor?" Alice swallowed the lump in her throat. She really never thought through the idea clearly.


"Never mind lass, I can see you really care about him. Even you never catch the lovin' looks he give's ya when your not a' lookin'." A blush formed across her cheek, tainting Alice's face a light pink.

"Alice!" Her head snapped in the direction of Connor's voice, much like a lost puppy. He was beckoning the blonde over to the wheel, a huge smile across his face. She made her way over to him with wobbly legs clutching the side railing as she went.

A sharp twist of the sails caused her to loose her balance. Right when Alice's knees collided with the deck a strong hand caught her forearm. She was all but hoisted to her feet and against a hard wooden wheel. Connor stood behind her, close enough so she felt the contours of his chest.

"Steer." He gently took her hands and placed them correctly on the wood, placing his larger pair over Alice's. She closed her eyes and allowed the cool sea breeze to brush her face.

Maybe this wasn't so bad.


So I've upped their relationship, what do y'all think??

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