Chapter 13: Awakening

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*Alice POV*

A throbbing pain pounded against my skull as a dim light came into view. I tried lifting my arms, only to realized I was chained to the ground. Sticky blood rolled down my cheek and chin. I coughed against my forearm and groaned at the fresh pain in my stomach and chest. I tried to look around the room for any means of escape. But I could barely see past what was in front of me, which was complete darkness. That was until the creak of a door allowed light to pool in from a corner of the room.

I squinted my eyes to try and focus on the approaching figures. Soon enough, the silhouette walked close and into the small light. It was a tall, bearded, and slightly chubby man. He looked as if he hadn't slept in days, weeks even. I shrunk back against the cold, concrete was as he kneeled to my level.

"This is her alright. Did you have any resistance, lads?" Two more men in their Red Coat uniforms stepped into the light. The same men from before stood over me with hard faces.

"Sure did Mr. Lee. She's a feisty one!" I scowled up at the smaller man and tugged on my restraints. The man I now know was Lee, backed up a few inches. Before I knew it, the back of his hard hand collided with my cheek. Blood bursted from my lip and ran down my chin, my mouth filling with a metallic taste.

I turned my head sharply and spit directly in his face. He barely flinched, but closed his eyes upon contact. He stood back to his full height and drew a handkerchief from his back pocket, wiping the bloody saliva from his cheek.

"Boys, do what you want with her. I'll be back later." With those few words, the men gathered around like vultures, sick grins of their faces.

*Connor POV*

Lucius couldn't move fast enough for my liking. I could tell he was as infuriated as me for the loss of Alice. We were going to do everything in our power to get MY Alice back. Heavy hooves dug into the dew ridden ground, leaving imprints. At one point, blind fury overtook my thoughts, causing me to drift from the assigned path.

Achille's had suggested that Redcoats had taken her for ransom. I was headed toward their main base on the outskirts of Boston. The harsh rain collided with my cheeks like needles. We circled the Frontier and halted in front of the gaping Fort.

"I'm coming Alice."

*Alice POV*

My clothes were tattered, lying around me in a messy heap. All that was left covering my body was the shreds of my night gown. The men towered over me, hands reaching down to grope at my body.

"Get away!" My leg flew out and kicked the closest man in the shin. He doubled forward in pain and clutched his leg. The skinner man grabbed my upper arm and squeezed with all his power. A sick cracking noise echoed from my appendage. The scream that tore itself past my lips was one of a weakened soul. This couldn't be me.

Just as he was about to bring the back of his hand across my face, a loud bell rung through the area. The men groaned their disappointment and arranged themselves accordingly. The burliest man kneeled down to my side and grabbed my face with his chunky fingers.

"Don't worry wench," His words dripped with venom as his lips inched closer. He let his rogue roll out to touch my cheek. I shuddered in disgust and whimpered. "I'll be back to finish you off."

*Chapter End*

I know. I know it's short! I promise to give you what your waiting for! Please comment and review! 😘😘

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