Chapter 2.

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I went late to bed that day as Rose was with me. She asks about a hundred questions in an hour and she can carry on with that without being tired I guess. But she is such a sweetheart. She helped me unpacking few bags and set the study table and wardrobe. Everything she picks from my bag come with a question though. We talked for an hour or so, after we finished unpacking necessary stuff. It was more like an interview. Becase she delivered more questions than conversation. However we became friends. We decided to go for shopping next day. We end our girls talk when we found the time which was 12 AM. Rose gave me a big tight hug before leaving for her room.

Aunty gave me a room right next to Rose's. which was on the first floor.

Light pink painted wall, queen size bed, beautiful paintings and what else could I expect more. Even though pink is not my favorite. But its okay. I am not that girly kimd of girl.

Next morning I wake up with a noise of alarm set at 6 am. I hurriedly sat on my bed with messy hair. And first thing I did was search for my goofy glasses. I am pretty sure every geek does it. It took me few minutes to regain myself and realise that I was in a new place, not home. Oh! I already miss home so much. I badly wanted to stay back on my bed for few more minutes but I had a long list of thing on my mind which is to be done today. Though I am a morning person I got up from bed lazily. After finishing my daily routine I went down. To my surprise everyone was up! even the weired boy Redan. He looked pretty lazy to me though. Anyways, everyone wished me a good morning except the rude boy. I didnt pay much attention to that and aunty informed that breakfast will be ready in few minutes so everybody moved to the table.

They all talked about the comming festival. I wished if I could spend it with my parents. Rose's voice pulled me from my thoughts. She wanted to know if I sleep well last night. I nodded saying yes.

We all sat on the table. I was sitting between Rose and Aunty and Mr. rude was sitting in front of me giving me stares. And I really don't know why?

We all eat breakfast and dinner together. Its a culture of our family.Since you are a new member to our family u will be expected too. uncle said.

Sure. thanks a lot, It means a lot to me, I said. It made me feel like I am really a member to this family.

Aunty handed me a bunch of keys one was for the house,  store room, garage,  Fun room. Wait "what "? Fun room?

What is Fun room?

Ahh, that is for all of us. when  get time we play games there, watch our favorite movies, we dance, and we have our family collections there. Rose replied excitedly.

That sounds freaking awsome. isn't it? I mean a family does so much to spend time togther. I thought.

I asked uncle about the directions to my new collage.

You dont have to be worried about the direction. You both will go together so there wont be any issue. uncle said.

Both? Who else will be going?

Redan, is in the same collage.

No way I am going with you Mr. rude. I thought.

He will persue MBA? But why ? Since he belong to a big business family. I asked uncle.

He has his own dreams. uncle replied

I looked back to Redan, he was still staring at me but this time with a chapati (Indian bread) inside his mouth. As if he wanted to chew me instead of that chapati. Really weired guy.

We will move at ten. get ready before that. Rose said. As we planned for shopping yesterday.

Can you drop up to the mall. Rose asked Redan.

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