Chapter 1

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I quickly parked my motorcycle in front of our apartment. I live with my mother, the only family I have left. I was so exhausted and fed up with work. It was already 1:00 AM and I just got home.

I grab my keys from my pants as I step closer to the door and open it. My attention is immediately directed to the couch as I collapse and get comfortable on it. It feels so good.

I am not complaining about how I struggle to get a good-paying job. I need one to sustain everything for my mother's sake. My mom needs medication because she has stage 3 lung cancer. It was too late when we found out.

That is why I currently work two jobs. I work as a waitress at a diner and a bartender at a bar. My shift at the diner starts at eight in the morning and ends at five in the evening. Then I will go to the bar for my second shift from six to midnight.

"Anna?" I heard my mom's comforting voice. I groan sluggishly just to face her anxious gaze.

"Mom, why are you still awake?" I ask her with worry.

I look at my wristwatch: it's 1:20 AM. Seriously? She is supposed to be asleep at this hour.

"Are you having chest pains again?" I subconsciously ask thinking my mom's illness triggered me again while I was not home. I walk towards her and scan her body from head to toe. She just shook her head and smiled at me.

"Stop worrying Anna, I'm fine. I woke up because of the sound of your motorcycle, it's so noisy dear."

I groan frustrated because it is pretty loud and annoying. I make a mental note to remember to fix it as soon as possible. I don't want it to disturb my mother's peaceful sleep this late.

"Nah, I'm sorry Mom. I'll fix it as soon as possible." I say lazily as I kiss her cheeks and lay back down on the couch.

"Are you hungry? There are some leftovers in the fridge. Do you want me to heat them?" she asks

"Thank you, Mom," I say closing my eyes and gently massaging my forehead.

"How was work?" she asks, shuffling in the kitchen.

"Everything was fine, don't worry about it," I answer truthfully. " How are you doing, Mom?"

"I'm doing fine, it's you I'm worried about. You need to take care of yourself. Go out and enjoy your life, Anna. Don't worry about me, I'm okay. I guess two years' worth of medication is enough."

"Don't say that Mom. Don't forget you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow." I say reminding her. I don't want her to miss any appointments even though we don't have enough money for her treatments.

I love her so much, she is my only family now. I don't have siblings nor did I grow up with a father; my mom always said my father died before I was born. She has always taken care of me and now it's my turn to do the same for her. I dropped out of college 2 years ago because I wanted to help and not be a burden to her, especially being sick.

"You work too hard Anna. I'm sorry." She says with so much emotion in her voice.

I get up from the couch and head towards the kitchen island. I sit watching her prepare my food.

"No, Mom, please don't be sorry. I can manage. Don't worry about me, okay? You know I'm stronger than you think." I declare with humor. Mom sighs as she serves me the food from the oven.

"Now eat! I'm going back to my room." she sternly says. "And do not sleep on the couch!"

I smile and hesitantly nod because I know that is almost impossible to do. I've lost count of how many times my mom reminded me not to sleep on the couch but I usually end up doing it.

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