Chapter 3

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"Hi, Stefan!” I said with gritted teeth while approaching the bar. I interrupted what they were doing.

“I’m going home,” I informed him. He just nodded and averted his attention back to the woman.

I shake my head wondering what happened to him. They just broke up and he’s already eating someone’s face! Is he some kind of a jerk? I feel even sicker looking at them, I need to get out of here.

I quickly exited the bar and went to my motorcycle. I need to go home and rest, I’m so tired and the pain I feel is getting worse. I started the engine.

I don’t feel okay, I feel sick. I’m scared because I don’t want to get sick, I need to take care of my mom. I hope it’s nothing serious.
There are still so many people walking the street, chatting, and eating street foods at this hour. New York is such a busy place with so many street lights. But not all streets had lights, especially corner alleys.

I was so deep in thought and that’s why I didn’t notice a car coming from the corner, it came out of nowhere. My eyes go wide and my grip tightens on the motorcycle steering. It’s too late to turn to the side. It happened too fast, I bumped the car and the impact of the collision was strong.

I felt everything slow down. I felt like I was floating and next thing I know, I'm painfully falling to the ground. I cry from the sheer force of hitting the ground. Good thing I have my helmet on or else I’d be dead right now from a brain hemorrhage.

I try getting up, wincing from the pain. I slowly crawl on the ground with one eye open to my motorcycle. I was stopped in my tracks when I heard the car door open and someone coming out.

I heard footsteps approaching me. I try getting up but I fail. I think my whole body is paralyzed. I just close my eyes, crying.

“Hey, are you okay?” I heard a man’s voice. I wanted to reply 'Do I look okay?' but no words came out of my mouth. Then I heard another voice. A confused female voice.

“Is he okay?” I heard the woman ask with concern in her voice.

“I don’t know honey…” he answered with uncertainty. I cry from the pain in my legs and other parts of my body.

“Oh my God! His legs got injured, let's get him to the hospital. I’ll drive, help him get up!” she said, panicked.

“Hey, we’re going to take you to the hospital. Can you move?” asked the man.

I shook my head feeling it getting heavier from the helmet. I guess the man understood.

“It’s okay, just don’t move. Does your head hurt?” he asked again.

“My goodness! Take off the helmet and check his head, honey.” The woman ranted.

“Okay. Relax, honey,” the man said, referring to the woman.

“Logan, hurry up! Let’s get him to the hospital now!" shouts the woman with nervousness in her voice.

“Okay, okay! I got it. Just don’t shout, you’re making me nervous. Dammit!” mumbled the man.

I felt his hand slowly remove my helmet. My eyes were closed and hard to open. I felt dizzy and disoriented.

“Holy shit!” I heard the man cuss, shocked.

I cried thinking I was going to die now. Maybe my head is also injured because he seems so shocked.

“Logan!” I heard the woman's voice. "Hurry!"

I felt the man lifting me to put me in the backseat of the car.

“Are you okay?” I heard the woman ask Logan. “You look pale.”

I felt the car moving, probably heading to the hospital. I attempt to open my eyes but no luck. It’s so blurry. I close my eyes again.

“Honey, the woman looks like you,” Logan whispers to the woman, though I could still hear him.

“What? I thought he was a man,” she let out, not commenting on what Logan told her.

I heard a deep sigh and that's it— their conversation ended.

We finally got to the hospital. Logan and the other nurses helped me put on a stretcher. They were about to take me to the emergency room when someone approached me. I opened my eyes, meeting her hazel eyes staring at me bewildered.

She gasped.

There were no words, I was shocked. It was like staring in the mirror and seeing a newer version of myself. A man approached her putting his arms on her shoulder.

“Oh my God, Logan…” she trails off looking at Logan.

It was obvious they were the ones I bumped into and helped me get to the hospital.

“I told you,” Logan says, shrugging his shoulders.

“Excuse me, can you sign her information sheet?" Interrupted the Nurse, handing the sheet to the woman whose face was the same as mine.

“Okay,” she agreed, giving the nurse a forced nod.

I was very confused as to why we have the same face but she’s more beautiful. She looks classy and rich. We were staring at each other until darkness embraced me.

I woke up with a bandage on my left leg and right arm. I had dextrose attached to my right hand. I inspect the room seeing no one else but me. The room looked cozy and private. I caress my head trying to remember what happened. I remember I was on my way home and hit a car, the impact was unimaginable.

There was a couple that helped bring me here, the car owners. The woman looked like me. Am I hallucinating? Have I lost my mind? Was my head damaged from the impact? I find no bandage on my head so it should be fine. But who was the woman I saw? Maybe I was hallucinating since I was disoriented at that time.

I heard someone come in. My gaze darted to the door looking at the nurse smiling at me.

“Oh, you’re finally awake.” She walked towards me. She checks my dextrose, mouth, and eyes while recording results on the information sheet.

“You’re fine now but you need to stay here for a couple of days, maybe two or three days, because of your legs and arms. We need to check them thoroughly but all in all, nothing to worry about.”

“Uhm, excuse me. Why am I here? I mean, this is a private room, right?” I ask, my voice unstable.

“Yes, it is,” she replies, eyebrows furrowed. Maybe she’s wondering why I asked a dumb question but I can’t afford this room. I can barely afford the bills I have.

“I can’t afford this room.” My voice was rough. The nurse just smiles again.

“Don’t worry, your sister already settled the bills for a week.”

I stroked my furrowed brow. As far as I remember, I don’t have any siblings.

“Yes, is that a problem?” she inquires with a confused tone.

I’m about to answer her when the door opens, and the woman who looks like me enters the room. My eyes widen as she smiles at me sweetly. I can’t believe staring at her face.

“Oh, she’s here,” said the nurse happily.

So, she’s the one the nurse is referring to. I quiver in disbelief.

How come we have the same face?


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