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the pig's limp body was dropped to the ground and jack knelt by it, plunging his knife into the neck. i flinched back, watching the pool of blood that began to leak from it. the hunter's had killed a pig this morning, and were very proud of themselves. my eyes lifted to jack's face, and my stomach twisted at the look in his eyes. he was determined, his arm rocking back and forth as he carved at the pig's flesh. i shuddered, shrinking back behind the boys. roger started to sharpen a stick at both ends, and i chewed my lip anxiously. 

jack lifted the head up, proud of his work. he stuck it on the newly-sharpened stick, and it swayed there, facing the cave. i gulped as droplets of blood ran down the wood.

"this is a present for the monster." jack told us. we looked at it for a little while longer, before maurice legged it back down the path. i took my place back at the back of the line and followed them down. 

"psst." i heard from the bushes. i frowned and looked around. "pssst. sofi!!" i spotted simon hiding behind a tree and grinned, hurrying away from the pack of boys and clambering into his hiding spot. 

"hi!" i whispered. "what are you doing here?" 

he glanced up at the cave. "i'm going to see the monster." he showed me his glowstick.

"oh.." i trailed off, looking at him. 

"you don't have to come." he said solemnly. i thought for a second. 

"no, i will." i nodded. he smiled gratefully. we waited a little while before stepping out. the pig's head was now swarmed with flies. we both stared at it. 

"that is.." he trailed off. 

"fucking disgusting." i finished. he looked at me and nodded vigorously. the sun was starting to set and it cast the ugly head in a golden glow. i looked up at the cave. 

"come on then." i said, beginning to climb the hill. simon followed me, and we reached the top together. i stared into the cave, before looking at simon.

"ready?" i asked. he nodded quickly and shook the glowstick until it glowed bright green. i stepped in first, pushing the cobwebs out of my face. bats flitted back and forth, making my shiver. i tripped over something, making me squeal as i fell to the floor. simon knelt down and pushed whatever i fell over, revealing a dead body. i gasped and peered at it. it was captain benson. 

"oh, fuck." i whispered. "there is no beast." i shook my head. simon looked at me. 

"we have to tell them. they're going to be so relieved!" he said, before speedily getting up and shooting off. 

"simon, wait-" i got up, running after him. he was a few metres ahead of me, and he was sprinting. i reached the beach, and i saw the bonfire at the end of it, and simon with his glowstick in the middle. i ran as fast as i could. 

"simon!" i called, but he didn't stop. before i knew what was going on, the hunters were running towards simon. they crowded around him and i saw his glowstick drop to the floor. it felt like my heart stopped. 

they were killing him

"stop!!" i screeched, as i reached them. "stop it, you fucking maniacs, that's simon!!" i grabbed someone's shoulder, pulling them back as hard as i could. he stumbled back. they were yelling. they were yelling so loud. 

"STOP IT!!" i screamed, and all was quiet, except from the calm sound of the waves. as i stared at simon's tortured body, i wished i was somewhere else. anywhere else but here. this horrible, horrible hell. 

i dropped to my knees, putting pressure on the wounds that littered simon's back, covering my hands in a layer of his blood. i felt hot tears running down my cheeks. 

"no, no, no, no-" i mumbled, scanning over him. i was almost sick. it was awful. the complete opposite to what he deserved. i looked up at the boys. 

"you're all monsters!! all of you!!" i shrieked. "simon was trying to tell you! there is no fucking beast!! there is no- oh, god." i sobbed, looking down at my bloodied hands. jack stepped forwards and put his hand on my shoulder. 

"we didn't-" 

"don't touch me!" i shoved his hand off and he swallowed. "you killed simon. you killed him! he's gone. he was a kid!!" the waves rushed over my knees, pulling simon's body along slightly. i grabbed his wrist. 

"let him go, sofi." jack said softly. the waves pulled him again, stronger this time. it was almost like the sea wanted him. 

"no! no, i won't. i won't. it's not fair! it should've been me, it should've been me. oh fuck, simon, simon, simon-" i said hysterically. i was crying hard now, the tears a constant stream. 

"let him go, sofia. it's okay-" jack said again. he pulled my arm. 

"it's not okay! it's not okay. it's far from okay." i said. the wave made one last pull and simon was swept away, into the deep blue. i watched him float away, before standing up swiftly. 

"sofia-" jack started.

"no! you've all fucking lost it. i'm staying with ralph and piggy. i can't handle all this hunting, blood and guts bullshit! it's not right." i shook my head, wiping the tears from my face. i cringed when i realised i had accidentally smeared blood across my cheek. 

"there is no monster. there hasn't been this whole time." i told them. 

"we don't believe you." roger spoke up. i stared at him. 

"fine. fine, don't believe me." i gave up. "but that was simon's life you just took. a boy. a living, breathing child." they all stared at me, silent. 

"go." i said simply. they didn't move. "leave!" i yelled, and they quickly scrambled around, dashing off into the forest. jack lingered, watching me. 

"sofia.." he started. 

"i don't wanna hear it, jack." i said. he looked upset.

"it was dark. we didn't know it was simon." 

"so that makes it okay?" i said. ralph and piggy watched from afar. 

"please, sofia. hear me out." he pleaded. 

"i want you to go." i said, looking at my feet. 


"go." i met his eye one last time. he set his jaw, turning around and walking away. i started to cry again, sitting down on the beach. i felt the sadness wash over me, leaving me completely numb. jack disappeared into the forest, and i sobbed into the back of my hand. ralph and piggy wandered over to me and hugged me, and we sat there for a while, all three of us crying for simon. 


made myself cry while i wrote this didnt i wow

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