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the sky was blue, once again. there were no clouds. not a single one. the sun shone down on our island, highlighting the destruction and damage. the sand was hot and it burned my back as i lay on it, but i didn't care. i thought about simon. and i thought about jack. i thought about when jack and i kissed, and it how it felt so right at the time. i thought about his hair. i liked his hair. i thought about how the world still turned and life continued even after simon died. i found it hard to believe he was actually gone. 

ralph sniffed next to me. he was huddled by a tree, his knees pulled up to his chest. he was staring at the sea aimlessly, his cheeks tear stained and his eyes sad. he pursed his lips as another tear rolled down his cheek.

piggy was on my other side, building a mountain of sand. he didn't seem bothered by last night, and that bothered me. but yet, i still enjoyed watching him move piles of sand from place to place. 

ralph spoke up, his voice raspy and hoarse. 

"what are we gonna do?" he asked weakly. "that was simon." he sobbed softly and i hauled myself up, crossing my legs. the three of us sat in a row facing the waves. 

"what good are you doing talking about it? it was dark, we were scared." piggy shook his head. 

"i wasn't scared." ralph and i said at the same time. 

"you were scared. you both were. anything could've happened." piggy hesitated as ralph cried quietly. i rested my head on his shoulder, biting down on my lip to stop the tears. i felt him rest his head on the top of my head. "it wasn't our fault." 

"it was! we were there, we didn't do anything about it." ralph replied. 

"there was nothing we could do. there was too many of them." piggy argued. 

"that's not the point." ralph sniffed. 

"it was an accident. that's what it was. a terrible accident." piggy said. ralph continued to cry and i wiped the stray tear from my cheek. sam and eric appeared from around the corner and i huffed, getting up quickly. ralph squeaked slightly from the sudden movement, and i looked down at him apologetically.

"i'll be back." i told them softly. i wandered off to the sea front as the boys talked to the twins. the waves ran over my feet and i immediately wanted to go in. i undid my shirt, shrugging it off quickly. i didn't care about the boys seeing me anymore. i didn't care about much anymore. i pulled my skirt and my shorts off lazily and left my clothes on the beach. i wandered into the sea, before floating on my back, looking up at the sky again. 

i tried to imagine that i was looking at the sky, but at home, in my garden. i thought of home often, and all the small things i took for granted without realising. i missed my dad. i missed simon. god, how i missed simon. i only now realised he was my best friend, and it hurt. i stood up in the water, pushing my hair off my face. i looked over to the rocks and saw the hunters gathered there. i grit my teeth, tensing slightly and started to swim towards the shore. i got out of the water, grabbing my clothes and wandering over to the shelters. i heard someone whistle at me from the group of hunters and i raised my middle finger at them, my back still turned to them. 

ralph and piggy had situated on a log by the sea. ralph had stopped crying now, but he still seemed sad. i got changed, and jogged over to them. piggy was in the water, washing his clothes. i perched on the log next to ralph. he had his chin rested in his palms. 

"hey." i said quietly. he looked at me.

"hi." he replied. his voice was still hoarse from crying. i smiled weakly.

"feelin' any better?" i asked.

"no. you?"

"no." we looked at each other for a second, before smiling softly. piggy walked back over to us. 

"maybe we should just build a raft and float away." piggy suggested.

"ah. i will if you will, piggy." i breathed, stretching my legs out. 

"well.. we don't really know what's out there." piggy sighed. 

"i bet you, out past the reef, there's lots of boats that come by every day. and one of them could rescue us." ralph joined in. i nodded eagerly. the sun was setting in the horizon, splashing the sky with streaks of pink.

"yeah? well suppose it didn't, suppose it was russian. then what? we'd be taken prisoner." piggy stated. 

"the russians wouldn't take us prisoner." i frowned. 

"i dunno. major dingledine - my dad told me -" piggy started.

"major dingledine?" ralph repeated, and i laughed. it had been a while since i laughed, it felt good. 

"yeah.. he said if the russians invaded the usa, they would take the kids and separate us from our families. and.. i know it sounds weird, but they might make us go into the olympics or something." piggy told us. i grinned.

"the olympics?" i laughed softly. ralph laughed with me. 

"i don't see what's so funny!" piggy frowned. 

"piggy, i don't think you have to worry about the russians forcing you into the olympics." ralph said, and we all laughed. i noticed something floating in the sea.

"hey - what's that?" i got up quickly, splashing into the sea. it was a washed up accordion. i lugged it out the sea with ralph. we sat on the log again and ralph pretended to play the piano, humming the tune. i smiled and applauded him. 

"beautiful. a masterpiece." i whooped, and he giggled. 

"where do you think it comes from?" piggy asked. ralph looked up.

"a russian submarine... full of olympic athletes!" he joked. i laughed, as he went back to playing the piano. 

"sofi! wake up, there's someone outside." piggy shook me. i groaned and covered my face.

"five more minutes." i mumbled. 

"sofia!" piggy said again, and i opened my eyes. people were moving around our shelter. i shuffled away from the entrance, sitting up quickly. ralph was awake, watching them. i knew who it was the minute i saw the flash of red. 

"fucks sake." i muttered.

"i hear you there, piggy!" a voice taunted from outside. "come outside, piggy. i want you, piggy!" they began to poke their spears through the leaves into the shelter. i shrieked and ducked away. 

"won't you just leave us alone?" ralph yelled. someone reached in and snatched piggy's glasses off his face. 

"hey, you fuckers, leave him alone- leave me alone! what the fuck? get off!" someone grabbed me under the armpits and yanked me harshly out of the shelter. 

"we got it!!" roger shrieked, throwing me over his shoulder and running down the beach with the others. 

"put me down, you freak!! ralph!!" i screeched. "what the fuck is this? i will not be the damsel in distress, not today!! put me down!!" 

then a sharp pain soared through my head, and everything went black. 


hi its 12am and im a fat MESS

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