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Blinking my eyes open I glanced around my room to find nothing but dirty clothes scattered around like litter in the busy streets of NYC. Which I now live in. I've always wanted to live in New York but never had the guts. Until now.

Day 2, let's go! I thought to my self positively. Even though I felt the opposite it was better then moaning on the floor. I slipped into a nice black shirt and jeans, to get ready for my shift at Third Rail Coffee. () I did the regular stuff too get my pretty face on. More like mediocre face. Once I was done putting on mascara and then painfully getting eyelash's out of my eyes, I was ready. I walked down my apartment stairs and heard the barking of some dog, so I plugged in my ear phones to listen to John Mulaneys new stand up to block out the dumb noise for something else more pleasant.

Time skip

Ah yes. The sweet smell of cigarettes' and coffee. Disgusting as it is smelling it from other people, that's what I smell like too. No amount of Fresh Air deodorant can mask that. I was done with opening the shop so it was about seven thirty AM now. The morning rush of angry workers trying to get their coffee and smoke in before they went to work had passed. Everything was honestly was going great. My shift ends at four so I'm not too excited. Yes an ten hour shift. Being poor in NYC isn't that luxurious. Most of the time I wanted to just end everything but the constant reminder of my family kept me going.

My head perked up when I heard the bell go off so I shook my depressive and unproffesinal thoughts and then I smiled about to say the normal "Hi how are you, what can I get for ya?" when my brain registered who was standing In front of me. I stifled a gasp and just said, "Hi are you coffee can I get you?" Which honestly was a lot better then I thought I would say, because there stood my idol, my muse.


"Sure?" John Mulaney laughed. "Just one black coffee."

"Yep!" I said a bit to loudly and went over to the coffee on tap to pour him one. Once I poured it and put the lid on and all that shit, I gave it to him. Just when I did that awkward encounter my boss came out to inform that it was my break. I let out a sigh of relief not even knowing that it was eight already. I took off my apron and went to the front door for a quick smoke. Who do I bump into AGAIN?


"Hey!" He laughed. "You know I've been meaning to quit but hey," He said as I pull out one of my own, "You know how hard it is. So how's that coffee shop treating you?"

"What?" I ask shaking my head. He wants to know how it's treating me? Wait. Shut up Y/N. He's just making up funny small talk that's what comedians do. "Oh. The machines beat me up from time to time." I say rolling up my shirt sleeve that has a burn or five on it.

"Jesus." He breathed. "Did you put cold water on it?"

"No!" I laughed. "I was to scared that people would notice and feel bad and then not enjoy their coffee because someone was in pain for them to just drink it. So I just internally screamed and gave them their coffee." John laughed. He actually laughed.

"You know." He said still chuckling to him self. "You could be a stand up comedian. I don't mean to brag but I am one myself."

"I know." You blurted out. FUCK. You thought to your self. Now he's going to think your some utter freak that's stalking him. "I- Uh. Sorry."

"For what?" He laughed. "Listen I think I can trust you. You seem like a real fan. Not like a fake fan who would tell my phone number to the whole world. So here. To the funniest girl I've met, yes in the span of knowing you in five minutes you are the funniest. I present my phone number."
I stutter trying to think of words but nothing came out.

"Thank you. Does that mean I can see you again?" I ask almost crying.

"It does."

John Mulaney x Reader   -I still care-Where stories live. Discover now