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I looked down at the shaking John, as he held a small box that contained our future together. My stomach twisted.

"Y/N?" He stammered anxiously at my obvious shock. He began fumbling to put the box away. "I'm sorry if this was too soon I just thought that-" I interrupted him by grabbing him into a kiss. I broke away and felt tears already stream down my face.

"Yes!" I cried out and pulled him in for another embrace. I felt my body shake against his in pure shock and happiness. We held on to each other. I could feel the stares from strangers at the taffy shop. The selfish part of me prayed that no one noticed John. This was just me and him. He broke away first and used his thumb to wipe away the mascara and eyeliner dripping down my face.

"Your sexy even when you look like a raccoon." He giggled. I just shook my head and stared at those piercing eyes.

I got to spend the rest of my life with this man.

I grabbed his hand and we walked to the hotel together in silence. Not the awkward kind. But the kind in which we didn't need to waste our breath with words. We just were... together. We arrived at the front doors and I grinned widely. The white walls really tied the haunted essence together. I glanced over at John. His eyes were wide.

"You look more scared then when you got on your knee." I teased.

"Oh shut up. All men are scared of ghosts. Its like masculinity rule number 6." He boasted, shooting back with his own snarky remark.

"Whats rule number one?"

"Cereal before milk. Obviously." He scoffed. We then walked in together. John lead me to the front desk.

"John? You don't need to check in to take a tour." I pointed out, though already knowing what he was pulling. He grinned. The clerk called us over.

"Room 217." John said proudly. "Should be under Mulaney." I looked at John shocked.

"What?" I asked feeling my hands go cold.

"I thought you weren't scared of ghosts." John grinned mischievously.

"No. But I'm scared of sleeping in the most haunted hotel, AND hotel room in America." The clerk handed us our key, looking amused at our little squabble. I bet this happens a lot, couples surprising each other with sleeping in the hotel for a night.

John slipped the key in his pocket and kissed my forehead. "Some honeymoon huh?"

I nodded with goofy smile. Even though I held up the annoyed/scared front I was impressed. He was truly the best fiance I could ever imagine.

We walked to the restaurant area and my mouth watered at the idea of protein. The banana taffy floating in my otherwise empty stomach was not cutting it. As we waited in line for a table I looked at John confused.

"Wait. Where are our clothes for the night?" I asked. Johns eyebrows raised.

"Who said we were sleeping in clothes (Y/N)?" He said with a mysterious tone.

I laughed and grabbed his hand again to hold. The waiter walked up to us and led us to our table. I heard a couple gasps and wide eyes as we walked past the other diners, so I mentally prepared to be interrupted during dinner. But for now. I was in my happy place.

John picked up his water glass for a toast, since we were both sober.

"To my lovely fiance and all to come." He announced.
I lifted my glass and pretended to drink it like alcohol. He did the same. This had to be the best day of my life.

John Mulaney x Reader   -I still care-Where stories live. Discover now