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"What if they don't like me?"

"They have to either way."

The necktie was tied tightly around your neck, it was almost suffocating. He noticed this and loosened it up to your liking. After he's done with that, he stood beside you, facing the full-length mirror you both were looking at now. Both of your clothes are matching. Blazer, necktie, slacks, tailcoat....


"William, I..." You said as he was fixing his hair whilst still looking in the mirror.

"What is it, ________?" He didn't turn his gaze to you.

You felt really confused. Almost furious about his demeanor today. It was really getting to you.

"So, that's it?" You replied, your face was looking angrily at his from the mirror. "You're gonna bring me back from the dead then act like nothing ever happened?"

"You're already dead, ________." He instantly replied, brushing off a bit of dust on his left shoulder.

"That's not the point, William," you were getting really bummed out, your monocle almost fell off. "The point is, do you even care about me still?"

He sighed and he finally turned to you, holding you by your forearm. He had a very disciplined look in his eyes. Though he wasn't like this when he had saved you. He dearly loves you deep inside. You know that.

Only you know that.

But why is he acting like nothing happened between you two?

"It's just that I'm nervous, ok?" He finally answered. "I'd have to face the Elders for this. And I don't know if I made the right decision."

His answer didn't help with your anger.

"Wait, so now you're regretting that you saved me?"

First day being a Grim Reaper, first fight with William. Oh, goodie.

"No, what I meant to say was--"

"You gave me a part of you and now you're regre--?!"

"I'm not finished."

He wasn't like this when he confessed to you that he loves you. He practically screamed it out the very second your idea got off track to what he was implying but now he just composed himself. But his grip on your forearms did tighten. And you were afraid of what might happen next.

"I'll still have to convince them that you have what it takes to be a Grim Reaper." He looks deep into your eyes, letting you know that he was really nervous for you all the way even in his emotionless state. "It's not that simple. They can take you away if they think you should be better off. And I don't want that."

His next sentence made your heart melt.

"It would pain me more too see you erased from existence than to be dead from a natural cause."


Alright. The door's right in front of you. You just have to open it and meet the new faces you'll be working with forever. But why does your heart desire to crawl back into your dark hole? You were nervous beyond compare. What IF they don't like you? You were never one to bully with, that's a start.

Mixed emotions ran through your head, thinking about the endless possibilities of causes and effects of what might happen on your first day as a Grim Reaper. You were too busy thinking that you didn't notice William lightly smile at your face that was freaking out.

Seeing your state's no worse for wear, William opens the door for you.

A brightly lit room greeted you with walls white as snow and the ceiling high as the sky. Several other Grim Reapers clad in black were in the room, busying about their jobs. William placed his hand on the small arch of your back, urging you to enter the large foyer.

Slowly and unwillingly, you let yourself be pushed gently into the room. A lot of heads were turned to your direction, mainly because of your monocle. You and William were practically the only ones wearing one. All the other Reapers wore spectacles or glasses.

You felt like shrinking into thin air. That is, until everyone started greeting William with an admirable 'sir'. Of course William nodded in reply. You never knew William was this high of a position as he said he was. This raised your confidence a bit. You are the only one to get close to him and you figured people would already respect you for that.

You both were heading towards the reception desk. A few female Grim Reapers manned the desk. Their cold stares pierce through you as you approach. Though upon the sight of William, they softened their gaze.

"I'm here to make an appointment with the Elders." William said, addressing to the woman in the middle.

The woman scanned through several papers until her eyes stopped at a specific line. "The nearest available slot would be three days from now." Then her focus returned back to you. It was as if they were disgusted by the sight of you. You didn't even do anything yet.

All you can do is avoid eye contact and let your mind roam around to whatever is in the environment. Then your eyes noticed something rushing towards you. Something.... Red. And it was rushing fast. You squinted your eyes and adjusted your monocle and your ears seem to be picking something up as well as the figure quickly approached.

"WILLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!" The figure screamed out.

You finally saw what was coming to you. It was another Grim Reaper dressed in unique clothing covered in an alarming shade of scarlet. She didn't look like she planned on stopping. Her long, red hair seemed to smack you as she went for William. William was too busy to dodge the incoming hug from behind.

"Where have you been, William?! The party wasn't even over when you left!" She said, sharp, her teeth gleaming in the light.

William calmly took off the arms that encircled him. You were waiting for an explanation as well because why is there just a random woman hugging him? He didn't cheat on you, did he?

"Grell, can't you see I'm busy here?" William nonchalantly said, turning around to give Grell his signature glare.

"Oh, Ronald and I were worried sick about you since you stormed out of the game!"

Grell finally noticed you and grinned, taking your hand and lightly kissing it. You were utterly confused. Is she a...?

"How was that, Will? I'm doing it right, just like Sebastian said!" Grell said, giving you a wink.

"Do not say that wretched name in this place." William replied, taking a step to your side.

Your confusion got the best of you and manifested themselves into words. "Wait, you're a man?!"

"You bet~!" Grell replied, twirling HIS long, red hair with his finger.

You were overtaken by shock as you didn't notice William starting the introduction.

"Grell, this is _________." William started. "Be nice."

"Oh! She's the one you've been talking about!!" Grell happily deduced. "How come I've never seen you here before?" He now referred to you.

Grell went to take a closer look at you, trying to see you without your monocle. "Wait... YOU'RE THAT GIRL HE WAS WITH IN THE CLOSET! WILL, WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!"

"It's a long story."


"Grell, quiet down. You're making a scene."

William was right, several other Grim Reapers were now looking at Grell who was trying his best to compose himself from the truth. You need to calm him down. That would at least make amends for the drama you've caused William's friends. Boy, that's a start.

"Grell-- am I right? How about we sit down and I'll tell you all about Sebastian's interests...." You placed your left hand on his left shoulder and began to lead him to the black, leather couches beside the middle of the foyer. "You seem to like him, right?"

"OH, GOODIE!" With that, the atmosphere was back to normal.

William was satisfied with your ability to adapt to the situation and how fast you can make friends with others. Though he knew you still have a long way to go before becoming a legitimate Grim Reaper.


Part Of Me. William T. Spears Fanfic. (Black Butler)Where stories live. Discover now