Chapter 16

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Shadows POV

I don't know how long I sat there weeping... But it couldn't have been too long, as a knock on the door causes me to jump. I attempted to ignore it, I didn't want to be seen like this. But as they kept knocking, the want for a hug and encouraging words talked my body into creaking the door open. A tall girl with a pale mask, similar to Maskys, long black hair, and a black dress fit for a night club. "Aren't you the one-, ...what's wrong, dear?" I opened the door a bit wider as she didn't seem threatening at all and seemed concerned for me. She walked into my room and I quickly shut the door and fell into her arms sobbing gibberish. She was stiffened but soon relaxed and wrapped her arms around me, sitting down gently on my bed and letting me lean against her. I don't know how long I was crying, but by the time I ran out of tears and finally calmed down, she had a large wet patch on the shoulder of her dress. Hardly noticeable with the dark color, but I still felt bad. "Feeling better...?" I looked up and her and saw her head tilted with a small smile. I nodded. "I'm sorry... Thank you so much", I looked back down. "It's alright, but would you mind answering my question before telling me what the tears were about?", she inquired. "It's the least I could possibly do..!" "Your the one Masky and that Asshole were fighting about, right?" I felt guilt hit me like a truck. I left Jeff to fight my fight. I solemnly nodded. "What did you do?" "I don't-!" "Not to Masky..! But, to that psycho! I've never seen him protect anyone like that!" I felt my face heat up. "R-really..? I-I don't know what I could have possibly done.. I'm sorry.." Another round of guilt hit me. I couldn't even answer the question she wanted in return for watching my pity party! "I guess that's fine", I sensed slight venom in her words. I shyed away a bit, she took noticed and pulled me closer. "Sorry if I seemed angry, it's not you. Anyway, mind telling me why you were a making a river just now, dear?" The sorrow filled me up again, but I had to tell her. I didn't even answer her last question! I looked up and quietly started to explain about how every time someone attempted to take me home, they would fight with everyone they were close with. "It would get so... Violent.. ", I looked up at her. "It's normal here, but, imagine normal people..!" I thought I could feel more tears welling up in my eyes, even though I had cried them all out just a minute ago. I saw bits of sorrow in her eyes. "That's just how some people are. Made to fight", she attempted to comfort me. I felt a small smile works it's way onto my face.

Jane's POV

This poor dear. She's been through so much and now has to deal with that incredibly crazed maniac! Relief filled me as I watched a smile smile creep on her darkened face. Somehow she reminded me, of me. No, not quite that, she reminded me of what would have happened to me. An orphanage where no one would want me. I gave her a gentle smile. "It's alright dear, I will make sure to always have my arms open for you". The frail girl wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you" she murmured, then stiffened. "Umm... W-what's your name...?" She carefully let go and looked at me. "Jane, Jane the Killer here". "Like Je-". "No! I am nothing like that ruthless killer!" She seemed startled and shaken. "Sorry, dear, but that horrible man is the whole reason I'm here. He killed my parents and then burned and cut me" I said calmly, watching the dread fill her eyes. Then, she simply, changed her face to a wide grin...?

Shadows POV

I knew he was a killer, but seeing how he had ruined someone's life made it all the more real. But what was I worried about? I choose to live here, surrounded by killers. "Deal with it" I told myself. I smiled at Jane. "Thank you for helping me, but since the pain has fled my body, I must go see what has happened downstairs" I know full well that I sounded like a different person entirely, but I didn't know what else to do. I placed on my childish mask that would soon change my mood to one of carefree playfulness. She looked stunned. I climbed out of her lap and off my bed. I turned and smiled at her once more saying another "thank you" before rushing down the stairs and to the place where the boys had been fighting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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