Milkshakes on me!

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"Holy shit!" I gasped.

A cold, icy feeling ran down my chest, causing me to completely drop my books. Jugheads eyes widened at me as an empty milkshake glass pointed at me in his hand. He quickly slid the glass onto a table, and rushed around grabbing napkins, as I started to peel my gray sweater away from my body, pink, strawberry milkshake dripping from my under shirt. "Betty," Jug ran towards me gently pressing napkins onto my tank top trying to clean me up, avoiding any awkward areas. "Betty I'm so sorry, Jesus I can't do anything right!" He whispered.

He tried to wait until the drips ran down away from my bra before wiping them away, but that just cleaned everything up, except the one thing that I did not have a change for in my cheer bag. "Oh just give me that!" I tore the napkins away from him, and correctly cleaned myself.

The blush grew across his face, as I moved the napkins under my tank top, to which he quickly diverted his gaze. I angrily tossed the napkins into the trash, and began to walk out into the parking lot. As the squishing sound of my now, pink shoes pierced the eerie silence of the night, a warm touch ran up my shoulder. "Betts, here," Jughead outstretched his arm, holding his soft, flannel shirt out to me.

I hadn't realized until now, how cold the night breeze was against my soggy shirt. We stood silently under the streetlamp for a moment, as I felt goosebumps poking up along my arms, and chest. I softly grasped the red fabric, and pulled it over my shoulders, wrapping it around my torso, smelling the warm, inviting smell of his cologne. I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent, filling my stomach with butterflies. "I didn't ruin your shirt did I?" He sheepishly spoke, carefully rubbing the sides of my arms, warming them.

"Nothing a run through the laundry won't fix," I replied, sliding my hands down to his, interlocking our fingers.

Even in the dark of the night, I could see the blush growing rapidly across his face. "Don't stress it oka-"

I was abruptly interrupted by his lips softly pressing against mine, his right hand gently placed on the back of my ponytail, intertwining the hair with his fingers, the left, wrapped around my waist, lightly lifting me off of the ground. My feet levitated, just barely skimming the black asphalt. I wrapped my arms around his neck, the sleeves of his sweater hanging just past my fingertips, and pushed my lips more intensely into his. Though my eyes were closed, I could feel his smile growing, I could see the beautiful blue eyes that he possessed, which were softly shut, just as mine. The warm, loving embrace, felt like heaven, his lips as soft as the clouds, his calming touch of angels, I didn't want it to end, but eventually he pulled away, setting my feet on the hard ground. I looked at him, the wet mark on his shirt from being pressed against mine, his face red, catching his breath. I couldn't help but smile at the raven haired boy, as I leaned against his chest. I was notably shorter than him, so my head rested on the top of his chest. He softly chuckled breaking the silence, I turned my head up, confused. "You're so short!" He laughed.

I popped out a hip dramatically and smirked, twisting my finger into his shirt collar, pulling his face down to my level, wiggling my eyebrows intensely. Jughead burst into laughter at my behavior. He swatted my hand off of his shirt, and pulled an arm around me as we walked in the dark of night, not saying a word, the silence was pleasant, because we didn't need to talk, we had each other.

I hope you like this story! It was a short one, but this is my first time writing a fan-fic, so go easy on me haha! Please give some feedback, or requests, but I do not, and do not plan to write any smut.       ~møønbøy 🌟

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