As long as you're safe 💖

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"BETTY GIVE IT BACK!!" Jughead yelled, practically falling down the stairs, chasing Betty.

"You look so adorable with your hair untamed!" Betty loudly giggled.

She tightly gripped Jugheads beanie, not planning on letting go anytime soon. "Betts! I look horrible, with it, and even worse without it! Give it backkkkk!"

Him and Betty were running around, Betty gracefully leaping from area to area, as Jugheads socks, caused him to slip all over the place. "Please! You are always my most handsome man!" She scoffed.

She turned her head towards Jughead to see him outstretching his arm, a notable few feet away from her. "Betty watch out!"

Before she realized what was happening, she abruptly crashed into the back of the sofa, painfully knocking Betty over. "Fuck!" She yelled in pain.

Jughead rushed to her side, forgetting about the beanie. "Oh my god, are you okay sweets?!"

She responded, with a coughing fit, clutching the front of her chest.

"Betts?! Please tell me you're okay?!" He grabbed her shoulders, face full of fear.

She let out a whimper at the end of each short, dry breath. The room suddenly felt ten times colder in an instant.

"Oh Betty..." Jughead whispered softly, tears threatening to spill over the barrier of his eyelids, causing them to sting.

He warmly enveloped her into a hug, her face buried in the crook of his neck. She began to giggle into his chest. "Why are you laughing!?" Jughead yelled in confusion.

Her face turned upwards towards his, as she slipped his hat on. "Gotcha!" She yelled, and began laughing hysterically.

Jughead gave in and began to sob, hugging her as tightly as he could. "Y-you scared me Betty! You scared me s-so much!" He stuttered.

"Hey, I'm recording this by the way Jug, I'm showing it to everyone on movie night," Betty said smugly.

"As long as you're okay," he whispered. "I don't care, as long as you're safe,"

Just a cute oneshots before I go to bed, hope you enjoy it! Please give me some requests, I would greatly appreciate it! Also thank you so much for all of the views, it's so cool that people are reading my hard work!! ~møønbøy 🌟


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