The Curse Pt. 1

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Jughead POV

It's been years since my curse kicked in. It's been longer since my dad told me what it was. I was seven years old, when I developed the ability to feel others pain through physical contact. Since then, I tried to keep my distance from people, so I wouldn't have to go through it. The thing was I could feel both emotional and physical pain, and the only way to end the curse, was to... well... die. The thing that hurt worse, than the pain itself, was the fact that I would never be able to save a life, without almost killing myself, for if I touched them, the pain would hurt me too.

I woke up to my alarm softly beeping from my phone. I was about to attend my second week to Riverdale High. I grew up on the south side, so I always went to south side schools, before South Side High was shut down to be created into a prison. As I pushed myself out of bed, there was a knock at the front door. "Jughead?" A voice called.

I tried to figure out who the voice was from as I threw on my red 'S' shirt, and jeans. The doorknob squeaked as I opened the door, to reveal my friends, Archie Andrews, and Betty Cooper at my doorstep. "Oh hey guys!" I said, groggily.

"Just woke up huh?" Betty laughed.

"Yeah, sure did," I laughed back.

"Can we come in?" Archie asked politely.

"Sure! Sorry the place is such a mess," I stepped out of the doorway to let my two best friends into the trailer.

Betty walked over to the kitchen table, and sat down on a chair, to which Archie copied. "We just came to walk you to school, me and Betty always walk together, so we figured we would pick you up on the way," Archie explained.

I had thought I had more time to prepare myself for today, but it seemed as though my friends' kind gesture would cut my alone time short. The thing was, I hadn't told anyone about my abilities, so nobody knew I could tell if they were lying when they said "I'm fine," when I touched them. I had high fived, fist bumped, and hugged Archie so many times, and rarely felt any pain at all. Even though I had touched Archie multiple times in our years of friendship, I had never laid a hand on Betty. It might of been because I was too nervous my head would hurt from her tight ponytail, or it might of been that I didn't really know how to interact with girls. I had always kind of liked Betty, but I had just thought that's how all guys felt around girls that were around their friends. I didn't realize what my feelings toward her meant, I had just always assumed it's how Archie felt too, I assumed it was how everyone felt.

"Oh, thanks for tagging me along!" I replied.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran my fingers through my hair. Betty opened the door, and held it for Archie and I. "Thanks Betty," Archie smiled as he walked through the door. "Thanks Coop," I thanked her as well. As we all stepped outside, the rain began to pour. "Better hurry!" I laughed pulling my hat over my head, running towards the sidewalk.

"Hey!" Betty laughed, pushing her backpack over the top of her head.

Archie ran after us laughing too, splashing mud everywhere. Betty ran just slightly ahead of me, giggling up a storm. As she was about to reach the sidewalk, her foot gently touched the ground and twisted, causing her to fall backwards. "Betty!" Archie yelled out.

As she fell, I snapped my hands out, and caught her by one of her arms. I completely forgot about the curse of pain in a panic, and was took by surprise when I felt more than just a pain at the ankle. A burning pain erupted from my palms, and everything seemed to ache. My mind began to whisper, "ugly, nobody cares, he only caught you because he doesn't want to have to clean up your blood, not because he cares, nobody cares, you should die, Cheryl was right, you are a fat, ugly pig, lose some weight." What the hell? What the hell!? Did she actually think this stuff!? I pulled her up gently, as Archie ran up beside us. When she was stable, I immediately let her go. It was the most pain I had ever felt from someone. The thing that was the most scarring to me, was that it was from Betty Cooper, Riverdales 'girl next door' the perfect, golden kid of the town. She didn't even know that I knew about her pain, even more so, FELT it.

This was really fun to write, and I can't wait to make pt.2! I might end up writing this as a whole new story, not just a oneshot chapter, idk. Please give some feedback, maybe favorite some stuff, it really means a lot to me when people show positivity to my writing ❤️ Also, over 140 reads?!?!! I never thought I would get this many readers on my story, I just wanted to thank you so much for that, I am soooooo greatful!! Love you all so much!

                              ~møønbøy 🌟

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