Boys Can Cry Too

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TW:Sexual Assault referenced

I tipped my cup back, that's when everything started to get weird. She lead me up the stairs, and locked the door in Cheryl's room. I didn't know what was happening, my limbs felt so weak, and my throat began to hurt. Her cold hands ran down my chest. "Please stop! Please get off of me!" I grumbled as loudly as I could.

I tried to push her away, but whatever she put in my drink made me too weak to push away her body. "Oh no Jughead, I am going to have fun with you," her voice was filled with venom, it sounded toxic, poisoning my mind, rushing through my blood in a rapid execution. She began to lean harder onto me, and putting her hands wherever she pleased. I begged her profusely to stop, but she just kept touching me and yelling. "One minute, I'll be right back Juggy bear!" She said seductively.

The second her last high heel left the room, I dashed out of the house, away from this horrendous party.

The cold wind blew against my bare cheeks. The rain tapping against the trees calmed me slightly. 'Jugheaaaad' I heard the venomous voice call out. My head spun around. All I could hear was her toxic voice, trying to push herself onto me. I waved in and out of reality as her aggressive face kept appearing everywhere, I just wanted to be home, with Betty. Her hands slowly ran down my chest and slipped under- No! Shut up! Shut up!

Left, right.

Take a breath, she's not here.

Her eyes are everywhere.

She's gonna find me.

She's going to touch me again.

She drugged me.

She's here.

She's going to find me.

I need to get home,

I need to get away from her

My mind kept going insane, as I fought off tears, unlike how I couldn't fight her off. I kept feeling her cold, icy hands run up my skin, but it was just my imagination. I need to get home. I need to wash HER off of me. I need to change out of the clothes SHE touched. I need to get away, right now.

As I patted around my pockets for my keys with shaking hands, I prayed that Betty wasn't here. I anxiously put the key into the door, and swung it open, heading straight for the bathroom. "Jughead?" I shuddered.

Betty's voice was much sweeter, and kinder than hers, but it still scared me. What if Betty does the same thing? Betty is not safe. Stay away from her. Stay away from me. "Hey." I said quickly, trying to make the least amount of interaction with my girlfriend.

As Betty walked toward me, I felt the sudden urge to vomit. Her arms extended to pull me in for a kiss, but I backed away. It's not safe. Betty noticed me backing away from her, causing her to move closer. "Are you okay Juggy?" She said warmly.

"J-just tired..." I whispered.

"We can go to bed if you want," she tried to comfort.

No. No way. I am not going in a room alone with Betty, or her, or anyone. "N-no!" I said shakily, moving over to the couch, pushing myself as far away as I could.

My stomach twisted in fear , my heart beated quickly in panic. "What the hell Jughead! What's up with you?" She noticed my frightened state, and sat next to me.

Oh my god. Her body was so close to mine. Betty's eyes were filled with concern, unlike hers, filled with hunger, and power. Betty's face began to morphe between her own, and the girl from the party's, eyes switching from concerned, to wanting. Betty placed her hand on mine gently. "Please stop!please get off of me!" I yelled.

In panic, I jumped up and backed myself into the corner of the room. I could feel my eyes begin to widen, and my mouth gaps open in disbelief with what I had just said. She looked at me, obviously hurt, when her phone buzzed. She looked at it for a second. "Are you cheating on me Jughead?" She sternly spoke. My skin grew cold, and I looked down in shame. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Is this a joke?!" She yelled.

"Please stop yelling Betts..." warm tears began to stream down my face.

I wasn't strong enough for Betty. I wasn't strong enough for myself.

"Excuse me? Don't sit there and cry! You went to a party and started fucking some other bitch!!" She screamed at me.

The venom began to seep into her voice. My cries became sobs, as my legs were too weak to hold me up, sending me onto my knees. "Got any last words Jones?" Betty snapped.

I sat, too scared of her to let anything escape my mouth, except for each raspy breath I took. She stepped up to me, furiously. "Please don't touch me!" I quickly sobbed.

She kneeled down and looked me in the eyes. "Is that all?" She fumed.

"I-I didn't want to!" I whispered, continuing to cry.

Her anger quickly faded. "What?" She said softly.

"S-She wouldn't stop pushing on me... I tried t-to stop her but she w-wouldn't Betts..." I clutched my hair for dear life.

"Oh my god... Jughead, I'm so sorry..." she whispered, enclosing me in a hug.

This time, I felt safe. I buried my face into her hoodie as she held me tightly. She sat and comforted me as I cried into her chest. "It's not your fault Juggy, I'm here now," Betty said quietly, wiping my tears.

I was safe.

I was home.

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