Infinity and One

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I shifted the soft collar of my shirt and knocked on Jugheads trailer door. I stood for a moment expecting him to answer, ready for the walk to school, but instead I heard, "Come in Betty!" yelled out in pain.

The door handle shifted, allowing me to enter, letting me see Jughead, who was wearing his baggy hoodie, sitting on the bathroom floor, clutching his stomach. "Juggy?" I stepped into the bathroom, and kneeled next to him. My hand softly rubbed his shoulder, as he kept pushing onto his stomach "What's wrong love?" I asked.

"I'm... fine" he grunted.

Jughead stood, shakily and walked into the kitchen. I cautiously followed. His pale complexion snapped towards me, as one hand shot over his mouth, and the other grabbed his stomach. Jughead darted past me, and flung himself over the toilet. He quickly threw up whatever he had eaten, and began to whimper in pain. I rushed over to his side, and rubbed his back. His heavy and quick breathing echoed out of the porcelain, as his head hung over the seat. He spit the taste from his mouth and leaned back onto the wall, keeping his eyes closed. He was visibly shaking, he just seemed... scared. "Do you want some water?" I placed my hand on his cheek in an attempt to calm him down, but it was no use.

He gave a nervous smile and gently held my arm. "C-can you get me my notebook?"

I wanted to help in any way I could, so I quickly stepped into his room to grab his book. I have never read it, and don't know what would be inside of it. As I took the book off of his bed, I heard him hurl again. I quickly dashed into the bathroom, my tennis shoes clicking against the tile with every leap I took. He looked up at me with tears streaming down his face. Every warm tear broke my heart. I recall one day he told me how afraid he was of getting sick, it was practically the only thing he was afraid of. Now here Jug was, scared out of his mind, and vomiting. His arm slowly stretched out out to grab the book from me, and so I gave it over to him. I saw him flip through it, as he began to freak out more and more, until he reached one page. Taped onto it, was a note, and drawing I made him on Valentine's Day a few months ago. I drew me and him, writing together, with red hearts all over, and I wrote him a note-

Dear Jug,

You are amazing, and I love you through and through. My world doesn't revolve around you, you are my world. The best thing I could ever want is your love, which you give to me everyday. I may not be the best girl, I may not be the prettiest, or the strongest, but I can guarantee that NOBODY loves you more than I do. I plan to be by your side through it all. I hope you will choose to be by mine as well. Thank you for everything you do for me, and for the flowers, you are really someone to die for. <3


As I recall the note, his breathing slows, and he seems to calm down. He sits as gazes at the sheet, as if he were alone. I gently wiped away the tears from his cheeks, as he pulls me into a hug. "I love you Juliet," he grumbled.

I giggled at his weird sounding voice. "Not as much as I do Romeo,"

"Not possible. Never ever. My love for you is infinite, it can never end, and it never will. Whether you and I like it or not,"

Well, looks like I can't compete with that. I guess I will just have to take care of him all day to prove him wrong, I love HIM more than anything, infinity AND one!❤️

This is really cheesy, but I was bored... deal with it 😎👊

                                                               ~møønbøy 🌟

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