Chapter Two - Lance

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The morning sun filtered through the trees and pierced my eyes. It was too early for this. This trap would be quickly disposed of and the perpetrators would be taken away, one good thing to do. I couldn't wait to see their surprised faces as I tore apart their scheme and threw them in jail for life for trying to trick me into being captured and destroying my fathers legacy. I smiled at the thought of me outsmarting a bunch of barbarians and making my father proud. 

"Are you going to daydream all day prince, or are you going to get stuff done?" Matt stood next to me, holding one of my bags. "Why do you insist on bringing clothes if you are certain that this is a trap?" 

"Can never be too prepared," I protested. I was certain this was a trap, but just in the slight chance it wasn't, I would accept my welcome, especially since there might be a beauty at stake.

I felt the warmth of Blue approach me. 

"Blue!" I twirled around and was met with his gorgeous face. His tail whipped back and forth as he looked up at me. 

"Leave," I could feel Matt's cold pressure burn into me. "Please get this done as soon as possible so you can return and finish your work," I flinched when I heard the word work. I hadn't done any in awhile. After all being a Prince is not all fun and games, it involved a lot of attention not just towards the castle but the people of the land. 

"C'mon Blue, lets go," Blue swiftly jogged past me and jumped into the carriage, causing it to rock back and forth for a few seconds. Matt and me stood still for a few moments, letting the silence pass. 

"Alright I'm off!" I said as I began to climb into the carriage. 

"Prince Lance," I turned back, surprised at the formality, "be careful." Matt paused for a second then handed me the bag. I was shocked. 

"Hey, wait a minute why did you hand me these bags?!" Matt had already disappeared. I couldn't help but smile. I climbed into the carriage and ordered the driver to proceed. The carriage jolted forward and Blue curled up under my feet. 

The sounds of the heavily armed guards clinked outside my door. The sound of victory. I rubbed my foot along the top of Blue's back, he was so calm. I couldn't help but doze off, it was early after all. I dreamed of Allura, and all her fakeness, but she was not the star of my dream, rather it was a faceless beauty in red. 

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