The others Chapter 6

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Alexei was angry in his house, he ordered to find Brook but no one found him. His apartment was empty. This was really bad for business. He sent Rosa some angry messages. Rosa answer was the same that she did not sell to Brook. Travis sold him guns but not explosives. Alexei hired hit men to take out Brook. He sent many texts to Brook threatening him. He also called but no one picked up. One of his boys walked up to him with a phone. Alexei took the phone and said


"I heard you needed me boss"

This was a hit man named Zaib. Italian and very good in his field.


"Name the mark"


"Oh, Brook the bomber?"

"You know him?"

"No, but the man is all over the news. People are saying he may be behind the bombing."

"Your voice show excitement"

It was true, Zaib was excited.

"I mean boss, guy became my hero. My favorite movies are batman series and this guy just played the part of the Joker, greatest villain ever"

"Well, you need to find this man and kill him"

"With pleasure, just send me his last known location"

Alexei disconnected the call and sent him a text. He included Brook's office and home address.

Detective Kensy was busy in her office. She knew about what happened at Arthur's party. Brook and his little party crash was all over the news. Brook was already in her file, there was no way to connect him to bombing and bank robberies but still it was a lead. She had Joe and Melvin to look for Brook. They were trying all they can. Going places themselves and asking questions to the snitches. But had no luck. Kensy did not know what Brook was trying to do. He had no record or friends, so no one knew where he could be. He only took the Russian boys in. She quickly called her secretary. She knew that he acted out a whole scene from a movie so she started watching 'The dark Knight'.

Laizik was walking to practice and Darnell was giving him tips. Isolif was just laughing at him. Chik and Franz were sitting in front of Brook's laptop and watching the news. Brook was asleep. They were in the central sewer. Beneath the city. It was messy and very smelly but it was Brook's order. Brook's face was shown on every news channel but their faces were behind masks. They brought all the remaining explosives and guns from Brooks house. Food for days was also stocked. Their every day cloths but mobile phones were left behind. Brook putted his mobile phone on charge and placed it behind his AC. He set up back up system so every message could be read on his laptop. He did made proxy chains so nobody could track his laptop. His mac address was also changed. After some time, Brook woke up. Chik said

Chik: Hey boss, you are getting many texts.

Brook: From?

Chik: Mostly are from Alexei, more than half are call notifications. Some say that he will kill you and skin you.

Brook: Fool still thinks that he is in charge.

Chik: Calls are from unknown numbers too.

Brook: Police may be or detectives.

A notification popped up. Brook came close and saw that it was from Rosa. She wanted to meet. Brook typed

"Place and time?"

Reply came from Rosa

"A house, five houses down from my club. Have a white chimney, now"

Brook wore cloths and went to the house. He was wearing a hood and it was a snowy day so no noticed. He knocked on the door. Rosa opened. He came in and sat on the sofa. Rosa sat beside him. She asked

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