The Others Chapter 7

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 Alexei eyes opened a little. He was sitting on a chair with his hands tied behind his back. He was in a car with his bodyguards to meet Rosa. A explosion set their car flying in the air. He fainted. He looked around and saw that he was in a ware house. He heard someone singing

"And who are you, the proud lord said

that I must bow so low

Only a cat with a different coat

thats all the truth I know"

He recognized Brook's voice. He yelled

"Brook, what is the meaning of this?"

"A coat of red and a coat of gold

The lion still has claws

and mine are long and sharp my lord

as long and sharp as yours"

Brook came in front of him singing. Alexei's eyes showed anger. He yelled

"I will kill you Brook"

Brook put his hand on Alexei's mouth and pressed it. Alexei could not speak now. Brook continued

"So he spoke and so he spoke

the lord of castamere

but now the rains, weep or his halls

and no one there to hear"

Brook shook Alexei's neck, like he was trying to break it. His voice got hard and shivered

"O now the rains, weep or his halls

and not a soul to hear"

Brook removed his hand, Alexei's white face had turned to red with anger. He yelled at Brook

"Let me go"

Brook stood still for a second, Then he left. Alexei started yelling at him. A door sound echoed and then it was shut. Alexei kept on yelling and cursing at Brook. After some time, Alexei stopped. He realized that it was pointless. He started trying to break free. His ropes were to tight and the chair was made of metal. He kept on trying for one hour. Nothing happened. After one hour, door opened again and five Russian boys came in front of him. Alexei looked at them. These were the boys which Alexei gave to Brook. Alexei started cursing at every single one of them. Isolif came forward and put some cards in front of his face. Alexei spat at the cards.

"If you think I will follow your orders or help you to play your little dramas then you are wrong"

Isolif punched Alexei, Alexei had no sign of pain on his face. Alexei said in Russian

"You hit worse than a girl"

Isolif hit his nose with a knee but got the same result. No sign of pain or blood. Alexei laughed and said in English

"I gave you to Brook because you all were most weak"

Laizik said

"But now you are tied to a chair and the weak boys got you here"

"Where is Brook?"

"Speak of the Devil and he shall appear"

This was Brook's voice of Bane. Brook walked in front but he had a Bane mask on his face. Alexei said

"What are you doing? is this Halloween?"

"Everything is going according to the plan"

"You do not know what are you doing Brook, release me. Do not forget that it was me who gave you these boys to start your gang"

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