Chapter 18

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Shadow's POV

I walked to my appointment at the hospital with Sonic's words haunting me. This couldn't really ruin all my chances, could it? He would surely get over it. It's not like this'll be the only chance he'll get. So why was he acting like that.

I arrived at the hospital and walked in. I walked to the counter and told the nurse behind it at the computer that i had an appointment with a doctor. She told me to sit on a chair and wait for the doctor to come. I was here on the wrong time of the day. It was very busy and i was in the wrong part of the hospital in my condition. Everywhere i looked i either saw highly pregnant wome and herms or happy parents busy with their newborns as they went home. I knew that i could be happy like them if i let the baby live. And it would make me regret this day even more. It made me wonder if this really was the only choice i had, but i tried to keep myself from thinking that. This was the only choice i had and i had to follow it no matter what. Even if it was going to ruin my chances with Sonic. Even if i was going to regret this and feel guilty for the rest of my life. I had to follow this decision.

I heard babies cry and laugh. I was starting to doubt my decision and considered leaving. I was about to stand up and leave when i heard a voice call for me and tell me i was next. I looked up and saw the doctor waiting for me to follow him. He was a male human. He looked nice and had gentle eyes. I guess that was logical as you wouldn't put a very angry looking guy as a doctor on the maternal section of the hospital. I got up from my seat and left with the doctor while feeling all the eyes on me as everyone had heard the doctor call for me. I could hear them whisper aswell. They weren't gossips. The whispers were about them wondering if i was a hermaphrodite and who the father could be. A man said for a joke that it might be Sonic, but his wife said that it would be wonderfull. I don't know if she was one of those rabid SonAdow fans or if it was the hormones talking. But i was glad to hear that not everyone would be detested about me being pregnant of the world's greatest hero.

The doctor led me into a room with some equipment that the doctor would use later on the appointment. "Shadow, you can sit down on the chair and we'll discuss some things." He said and i sat down on the chair. The doctor went to sit on the chair opposite of me behind his computer. "let me introduce myself. my name dr. Burggens." He said and looked on my files that were stored on the computer. "i see that this is your first pregnancy. am i correct?" He asked and i nodded. "how far along are you?" He asked. "i think a few weeks, about a month now." I said. "i see, well in that case i'll have to write you some abortion pills." He said and took out a prescription paper. "no! not pills. i want it to be over in an instant. not after a while." I stated and stood up. Dr. Burggen looked at me in concern. "Shadow, do you really want to get rid of this child?" He asked and watched me shake my head and look down. "then why are you doing this? is the father of the child, Sonic if i'm correct, forcing you to?" He asked. "i'm not doing this because he's forcing me. in fact he was trying to force me to not do this." I said. "then why do this?" He asked. "because i had no other choice." I said and sat back down onto the chair. "i see, well then. you may lay down on the examination bed." The doctor said and pointed to the bed. I looked at it. There was no turning back now.

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