Chapter 32

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Sonic's POV

I slowed from running down to walking as i saw our house appearing up ahead. Shadow tried to walk on his own, but my grip on him didn't allow it. So he just settled on staying in my arms and waited for me to loosen my hold on him. "We're here." I said and helped him stand as i lowered him on the porch. Shadow opened the front door and walked inside. "Tails?! We're home!" He yelled and looked around. We heard footsteps coming from the workshop in the garage and the kitsune soon turned up in the doorway.

"Sonic! Shadow! You're back!" Tails said and smiled. "How did it go?" He asked. His gaze moving from me to Shadow and back. "Just a broken tail. Nothing serious." Shadow said. He left the part of him possibly becoming stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life after birth out. "That sounds painfull." Tails said and his ears bent back just a little bit. A worried expression was visible as he saw right through Shadow's lie, but he didn't talk any further about it. He was probably going to ask me about it later on. Probably as soon as we were alone.

Shadow walked through the livingroom and into the kitchen while at the same time telling us that he would start on dinner. My stomache growled as if on cue and Tails laughed at the coincidence. "I'm going to help Shadow." I muttered and shrugged the slight embarrassement away as i made my way to the kitchen. Tails' laughs stopped and he swiftly took my wrist. I looked at him in confusion and surprise of such a hard grip. "What's wrong with Shadow? He didn't tell me the whole story." The kitsune said. "It's nothing." I said and tried to get my wrist back. It was easy to pull myself free, but Tails got his grip back around it even faster than i had gotten it lose.

"Tell me." He said with an unusual serious expression and tone in his voice. I wasn't sure if i should tell him what the doctor said. I didn't want to have him worry about Shadow and his child, since he would be his uncle, but i didn't want to hide anything from him either. "It's nothing." I repeated and pulled my wrist free again. "You have to tell me! I promise i won't get worked up over it!" Tails tried to convince me. I sighed. "You really want to know so badly?" I asked and turned to him. He nodded quickly.

"You might want to take a seat." I said and Tails dropped down on the couch. "Shadow's broken tail, might cause complications after the birth." I said. His ears flattened in worry as i spoke. "What do you mean?" He asked and almost whined. "There is a possibility that he could end up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life after the kid is born." I explained. Tails was shocked by the news to say the least. His eyes were widened and his mouth a little agape.

"And what about the baby? Will it be okay?" Tails asked after the shock wore off a little. "The doctor didn't say anything about the baby. So i assume it will be okay." I said. The kitsune's lips pressed firmly onto eachother and his eyes narrowed in worry and sadness as he looked down to the floor. I sat down on the couch next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Hey, i promise you that i will make sure that both of them are gonna be just fine. You'll see that the baby will be healthy and that Shadow will be okay." I said to try and encourage him a little. Tails wasn't so convinced. "You can't promise that." He said and took me completely by surprise. "Hero of Mobius or not. Not even you can stop something like that from happening." The kitsune said softly. He got up from the couch and walked back to his workshop.

I was taken back by his response. It was so out of character. So unlike him. Since when had he lost his trust in me? My hand slowly lowered to rest on the couch as i stared at the door that Tails had gone through. "Sonic?" Shadow asked as he peeked with his head around the corner and found me sitting there, staring in front of me. I woke up from my shocked trance and looked at him. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'll be fine. And besides, i'm supposed to ask you that." I said while getting up from the couch and walking over to him. "Are you sure? You look like you've seen a ghost." He said and placed a hand on my cheek. I was looking a bit pale to him. I don't think you can actually see a diffirence since the collor of my fur, except for the blue part, was naturally pale.

"I'm just fine." I ensured him and smiled to back up my point. Shadow returned it and i took it as a sign that i was off the hook. So i slipped past him and resumed the dinner that Shadow had started. I kept thinking about what Tails had said. He was right. And it had only been just now that i realised it. I was busy cutting the vegetables when i felt Shadow's head rest on my shoulder and his arms wrap around my arm. I looked at him. I can't imagine him sitting in a wheelchair with a baby in his arms or a young child sitting on his lap. With someone like Shadow, one of the most strongest hedgehogs to ever walk this planet, it was pretty much unimaginable. But here he was. Only three months away from becoming permanently paralized.

I smiled at him and put down the knife i used to cut the vegetables. I kissed him on top of his head while placing my hand on his belly and rubbed it. "Why don't you go upstairs and rest a bit?" I suggested. "I guess i am a bit tired." Shadow sighed tiredly. "Than go right ahead. I'll worry about dinner." I said. "Thank you." He said and briefly kissed me before letting go of me and made his way to our bedroom. I moved my gaze to look out of the window in front of me that looked out to the backyard and contemplated a while about this matter. "I hope to God that i have not condemned him for life." I sighed as took the knife again and resumed cutting up the vegetables.

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