Who said girls can't get down and dirty with boys 31 (Pic of Tess)

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I'm so sorry for being soooo late!!

after term exams r finished, i'll definitely have more time to write, but until then, i don't really have much time.

Anyways, i'll let u get back to this chap

Selena Gomez stars as TESS --------------->>


Chapter 31

"H-he's m-m-missing." Janey whispered, before a grief laden sob escaped her bright red lips.

"Is this some kind of joke? 'Cause it isn't funny." I said, warily. Rick can't be missing, he was over here just last night. This has to be one of Janey twisted jokes.

"Look at all the people around us. Do you think they'd be crying for no reason?" Janey said, tears making a steady stream down her rose red cheeks.

I looked around. Everybody was crying, too absorbed in their own thoughts to even pay attention to the fight Janey and I were having. I felt dread, cold and heavy, curl in the pit of my stomach.

"Janey, stop it now. This is sick even for you." I tried one more time. God, please let her be joking, I thought desperately.

"How can you be so dense?" Janey said, scorn drenching her voice. She took one look at my face and lost it. "I MEAN FOR FUCKS SAKE NICOLE. IT'S NOT FUNNY BECAUSE I'M NOT JOKING. HE'S GONE. G-O-N-E! Fucking gone." She screamed, her voice fading towards the last part. As Janey yelled at me, tears had started to flow more earnestly down her wet cheeks, falling on her white shirt.

As the gravity of the situation began to sink in, the dread uncurled from my stomach and spread throughout my body, numbing me. But even through all that was going on, in the back of my mind the little voice was saying 'Damn, that's a lot of words Janey.'. I quickly shut the little voice up, and admonished myself for being so cruel in a time like this.

With cold fingers I reached for my back pocket; I had to call one of Rick's friends; I had to confirm what Janey was telling me. I walked into the dining room, hoping to get away from all the sobbing, only to see Jason, Justin, Nick and Spencer (Just in case you don't remember their Rick's posse).

"Guys?" I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb all the other mourners around me.

They looked up slowly, their movements lethargic and painful. God, I don't mean to sound cruel or anything, but he's not dead, just missing. As soon as the thought went through my head, the possibility of Rick being dead did too. What if he's really dead? What if he's lying in some ditch, bleeding to death? What if he's in some filthy alley, with- no, no; I stopped that thought in its tracks, not wanting to see what possibilities my imagination could come up with. He can't be dead. I chanted.

"Nicole?" Spencer whispered softly. "I guess you heard too?" He asked.

It's true. Rick really is missing. I walked over to the empty chair at the table and fell heavily into it.

"Yeah, Janey just told me." I said quietly, whishing I could make this all a bad dream. I sat there for a minute, suddenly feeling exhausted. Without another word I got up from the table and trudged up the stairs, up to my bedroom. I opened the door and softly closed the door. Walking over to my bed I kicked off my shoes and fell to my bed, the mattress bouncing slightly under my weight. I focused my eyes on the wall and tried to wrap my mind around the enormity of it all. To think that he was over here just yesterday. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to remember the night before.


"Here, let me help you." Rick said, bending down to pick me up bridal style. I murmured a quiet thank you into his neck, my body going boneless in his strong arms. As Rick ascended the stairs I felt my eye lids begin to droop and my mind begin to shut down. By the time we reached my room I was in that wonderful place between sleep and awareness, where I distantly heard and felt everything. I dimly registered the feel of my warm cotton sheets under my body.

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