Hello Children

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Screw this schedule.


Wendy squirmed in her seat.

"Oh, child. For the tenth time, stop worrying."


"Erza is fine. You know how she is with injuries. They're gone within a day!"


"And Jellal promised to meet you there after dark, didn't he?"


"Porlyusica has looked at Erza already, says she'll be fine."


" She's even accompanying you to check on Jellal."


"Oh, for the sake of God, child. Stop worrying. They are going to be fine. Why don't you go read the medical books Porlyusica-san gave you?"

Carla sat on Wendy's lap as usual. She had seemed frightened at first when Wendy was talking, but had later resumed he usual personality.


"Carla! Hurry!"

"Whatever is it, child?"

Carla hurriedly flew after Wendy.

"Over here!" Wendy bolted down a alleyway, and.....tripped over a sack of grain.

"Humph. When are you ever going to learn to take care of yourself?" Carla picked the clumsy mage up and flew her to the road at the end of the alley.

Wendy dropped to her feet to see that Jellal had just woken up.

"Jellal! Erza! Hurry with me back to the guild hall."

"Nope. I'm not going back there. Take Erza." Jellal still had a grudge with a few people there.

"Why not?" Wendy struggled to get Erza over her shoulder.

"There are people there I'd rather not see. And they'd rather not see me." Jellal ripped his jacket and wrapped it around a burn on his thigh.

"But you're hurt!" Wendy protested, finally getting the knight mage in a good position.

"It's fine. Really. Sorano has some decent medical skills. I'll be fine." 

" . . . . " Wendy was silent for a few moments. "I......fine. But at least let me heal you a bit. Carla, help me." Carla picked Erza up, and flew towards the guild hall.

Wendy bent down and lessened the severity of the injuries. By the time she was done, Jellal just looked tired and beat up.

"Alright, that's good. I'll be taking my leave now, then."


Jellal turned back to look at the little girl.

"I-if you won't let me bring you back to the guild, at least let me make sure your alright later. Meet me in the farmers shack tomorrow at sunset, I'll bring porlyusica-san with me too."

Jellal stared at Wendy, not saying anything.

"I-its fine if you don't want to, I mean, I just- "

Jellal walked over and patted the girls head.

"Yeah, I know. You just want to make sure I'm okay. Sure, I'll come."

Wendy, being ever so cute, looked up and smiled sweetly.

"The antiseptic solution might burn a little, be prepared!"

"You-you- nevermind. Just give me an update about Erza later."

You should worry about yourself more, Jellal. You've always been this way, ridiculously selfless. Can't you be a little selfish, just for once? Oh, forget it. Wendy thought tiredly.

Later at the guild, the guild healer took care of Erza's wounds.

"Child, do not fret, Erza is fine. She required into fire empress armor just in time, but it was a severe explosion. Don't dwell on it too much." Porlyusica disappeared through the infirmary doors, going into her office.

- End of flash back -

" Wendy. Wendy! Snap out of it!"

Carla hovered near the door way, arms crossed and wearing a Stern expression.

"Agh, you never listen to me the first time. Come, Mira's personally making dinner for the guild today." Wendy jumped out of her seat, following her exceed (or, her mom's substitute) and apologizing repeatedly.

??? Person's perspective

She stared down at the hand and swiped the wrist over the sensor. A kiosk-like machine whirred and spoke in mechanic tone.

"Celeste Redfox, Welcome."

No later than the machine had stopped talking, a young lady slammed open the door and enveloped Celeste in hug. She was tall, and her frizzy hair was pulled back into a bun, as it almost always was. Her chocolate skin was smooth and soft, but her hands were callused from years of dealing with mechanics.

" Celeste Redfox, shame on you! You were due for wire replacement nearly a month ago! It's a wonder your right hand hasn't glitched and stopped working by now." The chocolate skinned girl scolded Celeste.

"Kiera, dear, your patient has been suffering from leg glitching and was unable to walk all the way to the clinic." Celeste was olive skinned. Her jet black hair was wavy and messy, but still stretched to her lower back. The right eye was red constantly, and the left changed color according to the enviorment. It was currently and intense electric blue. Her right arm, from the top of the shoulder to the ends of the fingers, we're metal plating. Built in to the arm was a small gun, and a few handy tools.

"By the way, Leste, have you heard anything about Fairy Tail lately? Anything connected to...them?"

"I keep a low profile in the guild. I'm hoping they haven't noticed I'm not only cyborg, but an all born." Celeste lowered her voice.

"And, and what about him?" Keira brought Celeste to a table at the end of the room, and started replacing the wires in her right arm.

"I don't think he's noticed me yet. I'm hoping it stays that way. Besides, I bet he's already forgotten all about me by now. The terrible sister who couldn't find him when he needed me the most." Celeste hurried up the process by fixing the last few wires herself. She quickly slid the metal plates back into place, thanked her friend, and left the clinic.


So, I might change the name of this book to something like: Dragon mating season plus. Cause clearly, its more than just D.M.S. now.

Yes, the name of the new character is Celeste REDFOX. She is an entirely made up character, for the story.

Her friend Kiera, is named after one of my friends. In elementary school, we would always talk about crazy scenarios. For example, if I were to become a professional writer. She was like, if you do end up writing a book, put me in it too, 'kay? And I'm like, sure, because I thought that would never happen. Well, look at this. The thing is, in the summer after 4th grade, her family ups and moves somewhere, and she didn't get a chance to say goodbye or heads up or anything. She just, disappeared. SO enough with MY stories, Kiera, as of now, is part of THIS story.


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