This is Part 10 I think?

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Sorry no update last week I was on vacay.


"Crap, it's stuck again." Celeste tugged at the skin sheet, trying to pull it free of a snag on the metal plate.

"I replaced it less than a month ago..." She snipped the stuck part off, and edged out the plate, picking out the little piece of fake flesh. Setting the metal sheet back in place, she pulled out her laptop from her desk drawer.

"Agh! Skin grafting prices have risen again!" She decided to have Reedus paint her some more of the artificial skin later. For now, long sleeved blouses would have to do.

Pulling on a long sleeved blue blouse, Celeste picked up her bags and headed toward the guild. The all-born mage was walking at a quick pace and didn't notice a small glint on the road. 


Something in the air snapped in half.

The hairs on her neck shot up. Alarmed, Celeste turned around just in time to see the object fip up into the air and....disappear. 

Curious and frightened, the Mage used a chant to rewind what just happened, and caught the shine of the onyx eye.

Fear and shock coursed through her veins as memories flashed through her head.

"Where are you going, kid?" a teenager with a right red eye bent down to meet the little boys eye level.

"Where no one can find me." The kid responded, not looking up and crossing his arms.

"Oh? I'm afraid that's impossible. As long as I'm alive, at least one person will know where you are." The teen smiled and chuckled.

"Oh yeah? Well then I'll just have to kill you then." The little Gajeel raised his fist and flung it towards the girls thigh.

"Gihihi! Quite amusing. Ya' think ya'little punk can beat the only all-born in millenniums with a fist? A FIST?" The teenage Celeste eyes glowed dark amber for a moment. Darkness engulfed her aura, but disappeared within seconds.

"Listen, kid. I am your sister. Mum and dad sent me to a foster home when the test results came out 'all-born'. So if you'd just come and live with me, I could take care of ya' and train ya', then you could go to any guild ya'd like. Better than living on the streets like the rat your being."

"Sister left. She's not coming back. Besides, if you are my sister and you ever cared about me, you would have come to get me from that hell hole. She would have loved me." Little Gajeel bolted down the street and was gone in an instant.

'Kid, sorry if I'm like this, but I'm the way life has made me.' 

-That night-

The shouts coming from the Corvus Bar faded along with clinking of beer, and laughter. Celeste wandered the streets of Old Denish, drunk and cold. The blundering mage looked up to see the snow flakes, gently falling on the old town for the first time in a few years.

Smiling, Celeste whispered into the night.

"Kajiru, do you remember....the first time... you saw the snow? At the park.... I watched from the courtyard opposite the green. You were so happy then. You were like a little black angel. I named my strongest armor after you, ya' know that? Black Angel. It's so powerful, people started calling it angel of death, or Satan's fate, or Titans revenge, that sorta' stuff. You're gunna get real powerful, kid. I know it. Cuz' I'm yer' sister. And I'm an all-born. Born with every single possible magic at my disposal. Born with 4 days a month I can't use ma' power. Born with random pain attacks for too much ethernano in my body. But I was protect ya'. "

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