Dead Niece

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"Uh, so what is the goal of this?" Gajeel peered at the large maps of his hometown.

"Did ya not listen to what I said for the past 2 hours?" Celeste moved a few little blocks that were on the map and scribbled something down on a notebook.

"Nope." Gajeel received a whack on the back of his head.

"I said, we need to basically get the talismans back, and destroy them. I'd also like to cut up uncle's organs, serve them to the wolves, wear his skull on a necklace, and burn his remains in Greek fire." Celeste squeezed her pen so hard it snapped in half.

"Hey, I want a trophy too!" Gajeel complained, acting like a child.

"Heh, ya can have his d!ck." Celeste sneered at her brother. The proceeded to start brawling. And since Celeste could be 200 times scarier than Erza, even she couldn't stop them.

The two had reconciled, and started acting like normal siblings. Well, their violence rate was the tiniest bit above average.

"Enough fighting you rascals!" Makarov shouted at them.

"Whatsit to you? Old fogy." They both mumbled simultaneously under their breath, but did as they were told.

Rest of guild: Sweat drop.

"We've got the idea of the plan, everyone?" Makarov shouted over the small crowd, and they cheered.

"Yeah! I'm all fired up!"

"Aye sir!" Natsu and Happy chorused.

"Let's go save old dead nieces!" And immediately got a punch from Gajeel, followed by a blast from Celeste that blew him out of sight. His voice echoed through the night, shouting "You wanna go? Metal head!" As Happy flew after him.

"Uhum, we need Natsu for the plan though..." Lucy laughed nervously.

"I know, I kicked him to his starting position." Celeste replied nonchalantly.


The guild was using Warren's telepathy to communicate.

Gray and Juvia: Coast is clear.

Natsu and Romeo blasted into the mines, and knocked out everyone there. Old Denish was located on a cliff, that had stone ledges sticking out of the cliff wall. Fairy tail was stationed in various places. They had decided, after much arguing, to enter through the mines under the cover of night, as it was the easiest way to get in unnoticed. Well, they could always just raid the city and kill the Jose dude, but this made it easier, and it was sorta fun.

Climbing through the tunnel Natsu and romeo had made, more members snuck in unnoticed. Working quickly, they softly blasted the ground under the city away. After they were done, they would fill it again so that the city didn't collapse one day out of nowhere.

They spread out as planned. Celeste and Kiera would lead an Arial attack, while Natsu and some others would come from the ground. The orders were to stay put until the Arial people  give the signal to come up.

Erza and Juvia crept into the palace. It was nothing special, just big and pretty and the highest point of the city.

The gates were wide open, and the throne room was the fist room you came into.

"Uh, isn't this a little too easy?" Juvia shot the guards with tranquilizer darts, even though they were asleep anyway.

"Whatever, let's get it and go."

Entering the throne room, they discovered that Jose was sleeping on his throne, a mirror in hand.

"Seriously? How self-absorbed can one get?" Erza took out of his hand. He slept.

Erza broke the mirror. He slept.

Juvia took the lid off a case that was on the side that held both talismans. He slept.

They took the talismans, he slept.

As they headed for the door, he suddenly awoke with a smile that was creepy as hell.

"Well well well? What do we have here?" He reached over to grab the talismans, and was freaked out when he saw they were gone. Juvia and Erza squinted, dumbfounded at his stupidity.

"Was he....really asleep that whole time?"

"Uh, yeah. Juvia thinks so."

"Heh, you dared take my possessions, die!" Hundreds of mages entered the massive room, and they jumped to attack.

(I can't write battles so)



More Fairy Tail joins in.

Battle. Battle.

Everyone was either dead or injured by the time they were done.

Jose stood there, laughing. 

"You can defeat them, let's see if you can defeat me?"

At this time, Wendy flew down, gave him the most innocent and adorable and precious smile there was ever on the planet, and...

"Sky dragon,..." Wendy's smile turned into a wicked sneer.


She aimed directly at his crotch.


If you can't tell, this is about the climax and it's nearing it's end. I sort of have to do another book to complete my 40 chapters, and there's a good chance I'll continue, because this is actually kind of fun.

Sorry if this ending is going to be sorta dull. I never really planned or thought about it (Or anything in the rest of the book, actually.) so this is just like, here you go, bye.

Thank you for reading, and...


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