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Hello, again. As mentioned in the last chapter, I'm thinking of starting a new book centered around mostly GaLe. Should I? Should I not?...


"Celeste Lydia Redfox, you did WHAT?!" Kiera was up in Celeste's face, outrage and plain confusion covering her face.

"Kiera, I already told you. How many times do I have to say it?" Celeste, exasperated, rubbed her temples and sighed.

"But WHY would you DO that with, like, idk, the MILLIONS of threats, risks, dangers, hazards, that come with IMPERSONATING the RENOWNED first master of FAIRY TAIL, the STRONGEST guild in what, ALL of FIORE?!" Kiera shrieked into her ears.

"Kiera Uduike, for the thousandth time. There was no threat, risk, danger, or hazard in what I did. I'm already part of Fairy Tail, I just gave them a bunch of information in a way that didn't draw attention to my actual self. I doubt anyone even knows me. I'm literally always out on missions and nearly never come back."


"But when I do, it's to get another job and leave. Maybe catch a meal or drink until dawn, but right after that, I'm out. "

"So THAT'S how you've been in Fairy Tail since you were 4 and have never been noticed. You're never there."

"Yes. I will say it one more time. I drew Freed to cast the enchantment by convincing him that Mavis appeared to him in his mind and told him her work wasn't all the way done. So he cast the enchantment exactly the way I told him to, and appeared in the middle of that enchantment to make it seem as if he had really called Mavis back. Then I made Mio and Arius invisible to Fairy Tail, or anyone who knew those two as reincarnations. Then I found some info about-"

"The dragon talismans and planted a vague idea of that they needed to save Old Denish into a dream but it might not work. Yes, okay, I can see where you're going." Kiera reached down to pick up a piece of skin grafting that she had dropped in surprise when Celeste told her everything.

"Huh? Wait, Leste, can't you just plant the dream into everyone's head?" Kiera turned around and looked at her.

Celeste looked at her for a moment before groaning and covering her eyes.

"One, I'm so stupid I should have thought of that, and Two, that would be painful." Celeste looked up at her friend.

"Painful how?"

"It hurts to see one else's dream, and even more painful to implant yourself into it. So you can imagine how much it hurts to get in, implant yourself, and then control it all together. It gave me a migraine when I got out. And dream work is extremely annoying. It takes an immense amount of pure, raw ethernano to talk to them in a dream. So your concentration and the extreme headache make it VERY hard to actually do anything productive. We learned this in the dream theory unit, remember?" Celeste ranted.

A moment of silence.

"Um, I think I skipped that lesson." Kiera turned back to folding skin grafting.

"Fine, I'll tell you my next plan tomorrow. I have to go get another job." Celeste stood up out of the stool, and walked out the door.

"Hold on! Not so fast miss powerful." Kiera whirled around abruptly.

"What else do want to know? I've literally told you every single thing I have done and WILL tell you what I plan to do next."  (Insert anger symbol)

"You should tell him." Kiera was not joking.

"W-what? Are you crazy? He'll hate me and then everyone will know I exist!"

"You should tell him who you are. And tell everyone who you are, what you did, why you did it, and what they need to do." Kiera's eyes were determined.

"Bruh no! They'll over react and try to help in their own way and mess this whole thing up! And I can't tell them outright, not with the talismans all over the place. I'll tell them once I've sorted these issues out." Celeste knew herself she was making up these excuses for herself.

"It's better that everyone knows rather than you doing all these vague things and leaving clues for Gajeel to figure out."

"B-but, he'll hate me."She said in a small voice.

"Shut up. It's not like you chose to leave. You were forced or else you'd both probably be dead. "

"No. That's because I was too scared and weak even though I knew I could kill...."

The fragile silence was suddenly interrupted by a young girl bursting through the door. She dropped to one knee with a fist to her chest. She was sweating and panting.

"M-mi lady."

"Stand up, sit in that chair, get some water. What in the world is so urgent that you sprinted on your winged shoes here, Erela? "

The girl named Erela did not move, but raised her head, revealing a distressed look.

"The ma'am wanted you to know..."

"What?" Celeste and Kiera said at the same time, both becoming impatient.

"Ma'am was contacted the sir."

"What are you saying?!" The all born gave a start.

"The sir is back, mi'lady. And ma'am also wanted you to know... Gajeel has gone missing."

"What?!? But we have 24/7 surveillance on his safety."Not that he needs it... with his ability and Fairy Tail... She thought.

"Contact Daxton and Leroy and get the team ready. At my cue, head over to spy on him. I'm going to get Gajeel. This will leave me no choice but to reveal myself so..."

"Hah? Wait Leste! Need a ride? I just finished the new hover craft..." Kiera and Celeste shared a smirk.

The game has just begun...Uncle.

Meanwhile at  the guild hall


Mira circled around the counter, hanging up her apron as she walked.


"Let's go."

"'What? Now? But we don't have any leads." Laxus looked over at Mira.

"It was at Bridge Segurid, wasn't it? We can start there." Mira pulled on Laxus's sleeve. 

"C'mon, Lets go find that coin!" Mira got Laxus to walk to the bridge with her.

It was oddly easy to find the coin. It was in the center of the road right before the bridge. It's like the talisman wanted to be found. It shined and reflected the moonlight. Electricity buzzed around it.

Just when everything seemed calm, Mira tripped. Laxus reached to catch her, but not before she threw her hands out to stop herself. But her left hand fell right onto the coin. And the onyx eye of the eagle embedded in the golden coin sparkled once, before...

Nothing happened.

"Um, I guess the coin accepts you as my mate." Laxus chuckled.

Mira picked up the coin, and they headed back to the guild.



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#8 in Gajevy!

I have been trying to update more and it's not too bad, since I know what I want to write, so that's good!

Thank you for reading, exercise and stay hydrated, have a wonderful day, and


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