Snack Time- Eating Difficulties

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This short story describes the struggles that come with some eating disorders/ eating difficulties. If this may be triggering for you, please be cautious and safe.

"You can't save the pwincess she's all mine! Ha ha ha!! Roar!!"
Michael protected the blanket fort in his dinosaur onesie, we were playing Save the Princess and Faith was the knight, I was the princess in the 'castle' (blanket fort).
"Oh yeah? Well I have a secwet weapon!" Faith announced, revealing her plastic fairy wand and drawing it towards the fearsome T-Rex.
"What?! A magic Knight??!! Oh no!" Michael exclaimed with surprise.
"Take this!" Faith tapped Michael on the head with the star-shaped end of her wand.
"Dino down! Dino down!" Michael cried out, dramatically falling to the ground in defeat. From the direction of the door I heard soft chuckles, with a pout I peeked out of the blanket fort and found Michael's Daddy, Charlie and my Mommy, Gwen laughing at the scene in front of them.
"Hey.. Mommy dis is sewious!" I whined.
"Aw, I'm sorry sweetie. We didn't mean to laugh but you're all just too damn cute." Mommy smiled. "Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your serious playing but Ian is downstairs putting together some snacks f-"
"SNACKS?!" Faith yelled, dropping her wand. "
"Faith what have I told you about the yelling!!" Ian shouted from the kitchen.
"Sowwy Daddy!" Faith shouted back, running down to meet him. Michael pouted before running after her.
"Hey! Wait for me!!"
Charlie shook his head at his little boy's behaviour and followed him down to the kitchen. Mommy smiled and came over to the fort, crouching down to where I was sitting.
"Well, we can't let the others eat all the snacks now can we sweetheart? Let's get going." She grabbed my hand and helped me up gently, as she walked towards the door I stopped in my tracks.
"Sweetie?" She turned to me, noticing my sudden stop. I felt my face go pale, and the urge to run fled my whole body.
"Hey, honey? You don't look too good.." Gwen bit her lip in thought and grabbed my hand carefully. "Let's sit on the mat okay?" She lead me towards the big fluffy white mat in the middle of the playroom. As I sat down shakily, she sat across from me, still holding my hands.
"I'm sowwy.." I mumbled guiltily.
"No, no baby. No sorry. You didn't do anything wrong, okay? You're a good girl, you're Mommy's good little girl." She smiled at me, a glimpse of sadness in her eyes although she tries her hardest to stay strong for me in times like this.
"M-mommy.. I can't go down thewe.." I whispered, not wanting anyone else to hear me in my most vulnerable state.
"I know it feels like you can't honey, it feels really scary I know. But remember what we've been working on? Can you say it for Mommy, buttercup?"
"I can do anything I set my mind to, even if I need some help." I smiled softly, proud that I remembered.
"Good job sweetie! I'm so proud of you for remembering that for Mommy! So, if we remember that then I have a question for you sweetheart.. do you need help to do this?"
I thought for a moment, in all honesty I felt as though nothing could help me, I just couldn't do it but Mommy has helped before, and she won't take no for an answer..
"Y-yes..pwease Mommy."
"Good manners little one, how can Mommy help you get downstairs for snack time with our friends, huh?"
"I-i dunno.. I jus don' want them to all stare at me, an finks I f-fat.."
"Baby, you know you are not fat. Fat is an ugly word to you, and you are the most beautiful little baby I've ever seen. You're Mommy's little star! Your weight does not define you, nor should anyone judge you for it. Right? What's the worst thing that could happen downstairs?"
"They all hate me an don' wanna be my fwiend anymore.."
"But they are all your best friends honey, and they would never do that. I promise you. Baby do you want to bring something downstairs that'll make you feel better?"
I nodded, sometimes we can't make the scariness and fear go away.. but somethings make it a little easier to go through.
"Can I pwease bwing Figment? A-an can I sit in Momma's lap?"
"Why of course lovebug! Mommy loves cuddling her baby in her lap, and I'm sure Figment would love some snackies!" Mommy said, grabbing my purple dragon stuffie and helping me up.
"Ready to go sweetie? I think we're ready, huh?" She asked.
"Mmhm! I can do it!" I nodded, feeling more confident.
Mommy smiled before taking my hand and leading me downstairs to join the rest of the group in the living room, and dispite being a little worried still, Mommy's lap always makes the big scary thoughts go away.

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