Poor Poppy- Anger Issues

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This story contains breaking glass, an injury involving blood, and intense anger. If this is triggering for you please don't read. ❤️  

          Dana opened the door hoping to find her optimistic little girl, Jill, waiting at the door as usual. But unfortunately that wasn't the case...

           "Noo!!!" Jill screamed at her babysitter, throwing more stuffies across the room.

           "Jillian your Mommy will be so disappointed when she hears about this type of behaviour little girl! You better stop it right n-"

            "You're a liar!! You're a liar! You're mean! Go away! I hate you!! I hate you!!"

         She yelled even though she was already starting to lose her voice, she stomped her way to the bathroom and slammed the door before anyone could stop her. Dana let her have her moment in the bathroom and found the babysitter first.

          "Chris I'm so sorry, she's a good little and she really wants to be, but she has her bad days just like everyone else." Dana said, as Chris packed his backpack.

         "I've never seen a little go off like that Dana, she is out of control!"

          "We are working on it, and she's done worse. Should I revise the booklet we made about triggers and what to do?"

          "Don't bother, I love you both but I can't do this. I know it was only once but I won't be dumb enough to stick around for the second time."

          With that final decision Chris left, leaving Dana and a very angry little Jill to deal with. She went to the locked bathroom door and knocked softly, "Jillian? It's Mommy, can you open the door?" The only reply she got was loud sobs that broke her heart.
"Mommy's here Jill, open up baby and let me help you.."

         "I don't need anyone's help!! I don't need anyone!! Just go! Like Chris, just go away!"

Dana went and got the key to the door in case she can't coerce her into opening it, "Chris was just upset baby, he needed to go calm down. I'm not going anywhere, please let me in honey."

         "He lied Mommy!! He lied to me! He said we would watch Paw Patrol! But but then he kept doing stuff and he wouldn't watch with me! He's a liar! I hate him!!" Dana jumped at the sound of glass breaking, she hurriedly unlocked the door and went in to find Jill crying with a bloody hand.

         She took a nearby towel and wrapped her hand around it, kicking away the broken mirror shards on the floor. "Babygirl.. baby remember the games I taught you? To help us calm down?" Jill nodded, wiping away tears with her free hand. "C-can we do the one with the counting?"

         Dana smiled softly, grabbing the first aid kit under the sink and starting to bandage up her little girl. "Okay baby, I'll count to 20 and that's how long you have to go really tense and then I'm count to 20 to do the breathing ok?" She starts counting, as she takes care of her baby's bruised and cut knuckles. Jill tenses up her whole body, besides the hurt hand, and closes her eyes tight until the 20 is up. Then she does the counted breathing she learned for 20 more.

        By the time she's done, Dana has just finished wrapping up her hand. "I'm sorry Mommy.." Jill looked down, avoiding her eyes. "I didn't mean to be a bad girl.." Dana pulled her baby onto her lap and looked into her eyes.

          "You are not a bad girl Jillian, you're a good girl who has some bad days. And you haven't had a bad day for a while, you've been doing really good!"

           "A-and I messed it all up!"
           "No, this isn't a step back sweetheart, it's just a downswing. You didn't ruin anything. I promise."

           "Pinkie promise?" She offers her pinky finger, Dana smiles and links hers with it.

         "Pinkie promise. Now how about you go put on some new comfy clothes, and I'll clean up this bathroom a bit. Then we can watch Paw Patrol together?"

         "Okay Mommy, thank you!" Jill said happily before gasping. "Poppy!!"

        "Poppy?" Dana asked, referring to her favourite stuffed panda.

        "I-i threw her.. you think she'll still be my friend Mommy?"

        "I know she will baby, you go get her and give her a big big hug and say sorry and I'm sure she'd love to watch Paw Patrol with us! Go on, " She helps her little up and helps her out of the bathroom.

        As she cleaned up the shards of glass she could hear her little give her best apology to her friend and then think aloud as she tried to pick pajamas. Dana wouldn't change this for the world.

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