Words- Social Anxiety

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        I could barely contain my excitement, I wiggled in anticipation as we pulled into the mall parking lot, already trying to escape my car seat.
"Hey, hey, none of that little one, we're almost there. Daddy will come get you out when we're ready." Lucas, my Daddy, chuckled from the front seat, finding a free parking spot not far from the entrance.
"B-but wanna go nooowww.." I whined, pouting.
Daddy got out and opened my car door, helping me out of my seat.
"No more whining baby, I don't need a fussy little boy today, we're going to have fun but you need to be patient."

        Setting me down, he grabbed my hand before heading in.
"What's your rules for going out Charlie?" I took a pause to think before responding.
"Always hold Daddy's hand, no running off, tell Daddy if I need anything!" I say with a smile, proud that I could remember all of that. "Good job little one! And what about the signals?" I showed him a thumbs up, thumbs down, and thumb half way.
"What do they mean baby?" "I Otay! I can keep going but it's kinda hard, aaaaaaand no more!" "Well done!" He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead, and we headed into the mall.

        I used to hate being in public, but Daddy's been helping me more and more to be comfortable with it. As long as he's by my side, I know I'm going to be ok. "Can I see the list pease?" I asked, curious to know what our mission was. He handed me the note we wrote out together at home, "Baking stuffs, record store, new video games.. and the new frozen yogourt place.. that's it?" "Those are the must-dos, but if there's something you see and want to look at just let me know and we can check it out ok?" I nod, looking up around at all the stores as we make our way through.

        We found a store called Makin' and Bakin', I didn't know what a lot of the stuff in there was but Daddy seemed to know what we were looking for. We got a red electric mixing thing which didn't excite me, but you can make yummy things with it, and that's exciting! Next up we needed to go to the record store, Daddy found a Pink Floyd album that he'd been looking for, and he even let me get my very own record too! It's from the 70's, called Mickey Mouse Disco. It's a mix between Disco and Disney music, and I can't wait to listen to it at home! Just across the way was the game store, we got a Sonic game pretty similar to Mario Kart, I can't wait to beat Daddy in it.. or at least try.

        "Is there anywhere else you want to stop before the last stop?" Daddy asked, I was shook my head. "Alrighty then, fro-yo here we come!" I laughed at his enthusiasm, making our way through the mall to our delicious destination.

        After walking for a while I gently tugged on his sleeve, "Daddy.. how far away is the yummy place?" He looked a little perplexed and said "Honestly, I don't know little one. Let's check the map over there." He led us to the mall layout map and started figuring out the way, I wandered a bit looking at the scenery when I saw a woman holding a little dog. I immediately smiled, I've always had a soft spot for animals. "You can pet her if you want to," The nice lady said and I pet the sweet creature in her lap gently. I was very thankful she didn't try to spark a conversation, I just can't get the words out with strangers, it just seems to get caught in my throat.

        I turned around to tell Daddy about the puppy when noticed he wasn't by the map anymore, I ran up to it and looked around but I couldn't see him. I felt panic start to take over, and had to remind myself to take deep breaths, though my limbs felt numb and my legs were shaky, I made my way over to a bench and sat down. Daddy told me when I'm lost to 'hug a tree', which means to stay put so I don't get more lost. Even with the deep breathing, I found myself holding back tears.. this has never happened on any of our outings before.. I rubbed my teary eyes and waited.

        I don't know how long I had waited, but eventually a worker from one of the stores came out to check on me, as she approached my gaze fell to the floor and I feared the worst. "Hi sweetheart, you've been sitting here alone for a while.. are you waiting for someone?" I wanted to say yes but the words didn't come, I felt frozen, I couldn't even nod or shake my head. Thank goodness for the cglre gated community, at least she knows what she's dealing with here.

         After the long silence she sat down beside me, "My name is Jackie, I work over there." She pointed out the store she came from, though my vision was blurred by the tears, I could see it was a little café of sorts. "I can get you a cup of water while you wait?" I still couldn't move or meet her eyes, but I was able to lift my thumb up enough for her to see. "Thumbs up! I'll go get that for you then hun, just wait right here." She disappeared again, giving me a chance to look around, the mall was clearing out more and more and I still didn't see Daddy. "I'm back dear," Jackie sat next to me again, offering me a small cup, I took it hesitantly but gave a barely noticeable nod to say thank you. I felt so uncomfortable being alone with her, but it still felt a little better than sitting totally alone.

        "You're sure this is the last place you saw him sir?" I heard a deep voice speak from around the corner. "Yes, I'm sure. He has brown hair, he dyed it more colourful a few months ago but it's fading now. He's wearing a onesie and overalls, he has his glasses on today. You must know where he is." Jackie turned her gaze toward me, as she listened in more to the distant conversation. "One moment little one," She stood and rounded the corner, directing the men over to the bench. I felt my anxiety grow more as they came closer. "Charlie!" I was suddenly picked up and held tight, I gasped in panicked surprise before realising it was him! "D-daddy!" I exclaimed, the tears all coming back now from the immense relief I felt. "Daddy.." I cried into his neck, so thankful for his return. "Baby, I'm so sorry, I thought you were following me and once I realised you weren't I was already down another hallway and I didn't know where I was going, oh my goodness I'm so glad you listened to me. You stayed put, you did amazing pumpkin." He set me on his hip and gave me a big kiss on the cheek. I looked around and the other guy was gone now, but Jackie was watching us from not so far away. I pointed to her to show him, "Jackie.." I said softly, and he seemed to get it. "Thank you for helping him out." "Oh, it's no problem. He's a real sweetheart." She made her way back to the café as Daddy carried me out of the mall.

        "I-i sowwy we missed fwo-yo.." I mumbled once we were back in the car. "It's okay baby, we can always do it another day too. I'm just happy to know you're safe and sound with me again." I smiled, nodding in agreement. It was time to go home.

Note: This wasn't specifically centred on social anxiety, but I just kinda went for it. Let me k ow if you like this more, or less. I don't really know what I'm doing tbh 😂❤️ Love you all!

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