12. Send Help!

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Walten: I was checking the stations, if there was any survivors, I started to think that me and Ron are the only ones, but then I got a signal from the satellite station, they were kids.

Blueberry: "Hello!"

Walten: "I can hear you, What's going on?!"

Blueberry: "Me and my family are trapped!"

Walten: "okay, stay were you are, me and my friends will get you!"

Blueberry: he went offline and I started to feel uneasy for me and my family. I just pray that he'll be quick. As me and my family fought the new born, Cherry bomb ran out of bombs, I ran out of bullets so I grabbed my chainsaw and attacked, Banana Boy also ran out of bullets, so he used his knife, Strawberry was getting tired, but he didn't give up. We fought them off one by one, but right when we were about to give up.

Walten: we got there just in time. Tinky, Dipsy, Laa laa and Po attacked as me and Ron got the kids to the main land. After we got back, the kids were asleep and everyone was alright.

Blueberry: I woke up shortly after, but, the white tubby looks familiar to me. Too familiar.

Ron: "are you- wait... Blue?"

Blueberry: ! "Uncle?!"

Walten: "wait... you two are related?"

Ron: "yeah"

1 hour later

Ron: I told everyone about my family, everyone is happy, but Dipsy was more than happy, I don't know what came in mind for him, but he's been a bit clingy. And he even said "can't wait for are little future".

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