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Todoroki pov

I wake up and a pounding headache hits me. I close my eyes because the light hurt. I stay down and try to remember what happened last night. I remember the argument but not much after I said I was leaving. A loud knocking on my door made me want literally kill myself. It was so loud. I groaned in response of the knocking. The door came open and my father came in. I was not in the mood to talk to him. I turned over facing away from him. 

"Shoto, I came to tell you that you will no longer go to the office as a trophy but as my son. You can choose to go or not now." He whispered. I couldn't believe my ears. He gave in. Who is this man and where is my asshole of a father? I faced him my normal hard stare was gone and thanks was written on my eyes. "But security was beefed up and you aren't allowed to leave with my permission." There it is. The catch. "I just wish you could see it my way." Welp, good luck with that. The only thing we see eye to eye on is favorite color and that is navy blue. Maybe when I'm an adult just not now when I'm a hormonal teen without a mother and a family that's falling apart. "I'll send in Bakugou later," and with that he left. Time to get out of bed, no point in staying in bed. I get up and immediately want to lay back down, but I don't. I stretch out my wings, the feathers were distorted and a mess. I honestly don't care right now. It's Monday so Fuyumi isn't here to help with grooming. I don't like asking my father. I let him do it once because Fuyumi was at work and I didn't like asking the staff to help, he was so rough. I never let him touch my wings after that. Guess I'm gonna have to ask my father, later. I refuse to let anyone other than family to touch my wings. Knocking brought me out of my thoughts. 

"Come in." I said. Bakugou came in his wings were worse than mine and his eyes screamed 'let me sleep.' Sleep deprived. Father must have kept him up. " You look fantastic." I said sarcastically. 

"Running on three hours of sleep. How's your head?" 

"Fine, is there something wrong with it?" I answered. Something must have happened. 

"Yeah, you ran into a door and knocked yourself out." He said. His eyes dilated. He's lying.

"What really happened? I know your lying, your eyes dilated." I am so glad I payed attention to the interrogation book I read a few weeks ago. 

"I am not permitted to say." I search his face for any signs of lying. His hands stayed still. Damn, not lying. 

"Tell me what happened." I ordered. 

"I can't say." 

"Tell me." 

"Fine, you and your dad were arguing. You said something that pissed him off and he hit you on the head. You were knocked out. Your dad opened his eyes a little bit to see you were unhappy. After three hours of reasoning with him, I got him to not show you off like a damn trophy. Are you satisfied?" He said. He hit me. He's never done that before. I was too 'valuable' to have bruises, my scar doesn't count. 

"You can go. I don't plan on going anywhere. You can get more sleep. I won't bother you." I say. He nodded and left. I was left to contemplate whether to leave my wings a hot mess until tomorrow or get my dad to help groom them for the day. I want to leave them a mess but if I don't groom them everyday it's harder the next day. Dad's help it is. I get dressed in jeans and a turtleneck sweater, the sleeves go up to my knuckles. I check the mirror for any bruises on my face. None, he must have hit my head. I'm gonna regret this but it's not like I have a choice. 

I walk to my dad's room. I knock but no one answers. That's weird. I check every room I can think that he'd be in. I walk past Touya's old room. I have a hunch. I open the door and my father is going through some old boxes that we couldn't bring ourselves to get rid of. His back is to me. 

"Hey." I made my presence known. He turned towards me. I think he doesn't know that I know what he did. 

"Hello." He said. I lean against the frame of the door. 

"I need your help with something."

"And that is?"

"Grooming my wings." I said looking away from him. 

"Alright then." I walk away expecting him to follow. I go to our little library to get some books to educate my father on avians. He needs to be educated on grooming. He followed. "Why are we going to the library?" 

"Education." Was all I said. I went straight to the section on avians and started picking the ones on grooming habits. I throw them behind me hoping he'll catch them. I walk away. He's gonna follow. He'd do anything to feel my wings again. It's been five years since he last touched them. I went to one of the lounge rooms and sat on the floor. I started fixing the tip of my right wing. I always start on my right wing. I soon felt hands on my left wing, they were gentle. He must watch  Fuyumi and I. An hour later, feathers were out of my reach so it was all up to him. My face goes red the closer he gets to my sweet spot on my wings. He can't see my face which is a good thing. His fingers brushed closer. I let out an uncontrolled groan. 

"Did that hurt?" He freaked. 

"Sarah Key, page 93, fifth paragraph of the page. Read aloud." I said. It took him a second to find the paragraph. 

"Avians allow only family and significant others to groom their wings. Some avians have a set of nerves on their wings. These nerves are called sweet spots, for they are only touched during sexual orientation. It is very rare to find male avians with a sweet spot, these males can also give birth to offspring. Only 1 in 3 million males are born this way." He read. Yep I'm one of these males. If the creeps found out, my value would go up drastically. "You... You have a sweet spot. Don't you?" I nodded. 

"No one must know, not even the staff. If the wrong person finds out who knows what will happen to me. Only Fuyumi and now you know." I said. 

"I promise not to tell, I can't lose another child. Not after what happened to your brother." So he does have a heart. I was wondering where it went. He went around my sweet spot as much as humanly possible. After fifteen minutes of trying not to moan, it was over. My wings were in order. 

"Thank you." I said and with that I left. I forgive him for now but it doesn't make up for the years of torment. I just wish I wasn't so special. A male with a sweet spot with each wing a completely different color. Can't get more special than that. I am 1 in 7 billion. 

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