Chapter 16 - I.. You.. Maybe.. We?

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Niall's P.O.V.

Yesterday, when Phie, Li, Liam and me went to Nandos, it was so cool. I just could laugh and talk to Phie all day long. It was a great feeling. But I couldn't imagine, who she was in love with. When it was not Harry, who was it though? Maybe, did she like me? Or did she like Lou or Liam? Or. Maybe a boy from Germany? But the someone else she loved, that could be me. ARGH! I hated that thoughts. I still hoped, that I was the one. Whatever. Tomorrow was the publication for our next tour, which will start in 6 weeks. Phie and Li were also invited. The people from the radio and TV just said, that they wanted Phie and Li there, too. Because they are the 1Ds girlfriends and best friends. They thought Li and Zayn were a couple, but the question is, who didn't thought so? Harry, Louis and Liam themselves thought, that they were a couple. But Phie and me? What should I tell them? Or what was Phie going to tell them?


"Niall! Wake up! Hey! It's 9am!" What? WHAT? I was half asleep when Phie came in my room and woke me up. Our meeting with the TV and radio was at 10.30am. But I had to take a shower, style my hair, choose clothes and the normally stuff. "It's okay. Morning, sweetie.", "Morning, Nialler. The breakfast is waiting for you.", Phie said a bit carefully. I didn't know whether she had a problem or something like that. Maybe, she thought about what she would answer the interviewer, just like me. But I didn't care anymore. I took a shower and changed my clothes. After, I went downstairs to the kitchen. Phie and Li were already eating their breakfast. "Morning, loverboy.", "Aw. Stop that Li!", I couldn't help but laughed. I couldn't be angry at her. We talked about the day and I explained them, on which questions  they should answer and on which rather not. At 10am our taxi, Louis, was waiting. Harry, Zayn and Liam were already sitting in the car - better to say - the bus. Li went to the last row to Zayn. He was holding a rose. He gave her a kiss on her cheek and hugged her tight. Adorable.

Linda's P.O.V.

Louis was still waiting for us. I just saw Zayn and ran to the bus. He held a rose, gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and hugged me. "Erm.. Hey guys!", I yelled after saying hello to Zayn. Zayn told me about the interviewer, just like Niall. "And? What do you want to say about our relationship?", "How do you mean that?", "You really want to say, that we're a couple, yes?", "Erm.. Yes?!", "Okay, beauty." Oh. My. Gosh. Zayn and me weren't a couple, and probably, we were not going to be a couple one day. We would lie to everyone in world. 


Niall's P.O.V.

"Hello Boys.. And girls!", "Hello!", "Hey!", "Are you ready for the interview?", "Sure! We can't wait!" The interviewer told us, that everyone on earth could here that, because there is a live-stream in the Internet and on BBC. Also, there are about 35 radio stations in world which they were going to send it live. "Okay guys, 1 minute until we'll start." Oh my gosh, I just breathed really deep for a few times. "Hello everyone on BBC, every radio station and by whatever means you are hearing or watching us. We are sitting here live with the One Direction boys and their best friends Sophie and Linda from Germany. So guys, could you just say hello like 'Hi I am'?" I sat at the left side, Phie sat next to me, next to Phie: Li, Zayn, Louis, Harry and Liam. I started. "Hey I'm Niall.", "I am Zayn.", "I'm Louis.", "I'm Harry.", "I am Liam and we're One Direction.", "Yes! That is what I was asking for. The typical 1D welcoming. Love it! And now the girls!", "Okay. I'm Phie.", "I'm Li and we haven't a band's name, yet.", Linda laughed shyly. "Haha, really funny girls. So tell me, Phie, how you two got to know the boys?", "Li and me were just spending our holidays in London. One day, when we were at the beach, the boys laid down at their beach chairs next to us. They played volleyball and Niall often had to get the ball, which rolled very often next to my beach chair. He introduced himself and so I did. Yes.", "In the evening, Phie and me were sitting at a campfire, when suddenly, the boys joined us. It was a great night." I was a kind of proud of the girls. They did a really good job. "Sounds great. I heard, that you two got a contract from a record label?", "Yes.", Phie answered shyly. "Do you want to tell my the story?", "No!", Li answered quickly. I was a bit shocked but the interviewer began to laugh. "I see, you're really opinionated and confident. I like it!", "Li and me are singing since we were little kids. There was nothing funnier or nothing we adored more than singing.", "So, Louis, tell me. Did you ever hear the girl singing?", "Yes! And they are really good singers. And I hope, that someday, they are going to be as famous as us.", "Tell me Louis, you are the oldest one. Sophie and Linda are young ladies. Is there a problem between you?", "No, never. I mean, people are saying that girls are older than they actually are. And boys are more childish. That sort of thing evens itself out.", "And Zayn? We all know, you and Linda are in a relationship. But she's just 14, you're 19. Is there a problem?", "I don't think so. It's love and love don't know any age.", Zayn looked at Li, deep in love. I was stunning, how good they were in hiding their secret friendship. "And you Linda?", "Please, just call me Li. No, I have the same opinion. Since I know him better, than the time I've just been fangirling him, I really adore him. It's not even that he look really handsome, it's more, that we have some similarities and we understand each other really well. He's truly perfect.", "Oh, a really love story here! So before I want to come to Niall, I want to ask you Harry, how it feels to be that popular!" Oh my gosh. What was he going to ask me? I didn't know, what I was going to answer. "Oh, it feels .. good. I am so proud, that we are that, what we are. It's like.. my 4 best friends and now, 2 other girls, I really like. Phie is just like a best friend for me. And Li brings me smiling anytime!" Okay. Li brings us smiling all the time. That was really true. But Harry and Phie? Best friends? When Harry was her best friend, what was I? "So, it seems so, that Li is a very self-confident and lucky girl! Niall what are you saying to the girls, especially to Phie?", "Um.. Yes. Li makes us smiling all day. She has a really lovely character and maybe she seems to be really young but she is really mature for her age. Just like her sister. Phie and me.. we understand each other great. It's like we know each other for years.", "Is that true Phie?", "Would Niall lie? Haha. Yes. I really like him. And he's the perfect one to talk with for hours.", "But is there more than a friendship between you two?" I just looked at Phie. And she looked to me. She bit her lip and looked a bit confused, but then she began to smile slightly. I thought, that she would say 'Yes, there is more than a friendship'. But.. "No.. We are friends. And also, the career is the most important thing for me at the moment." What? WHAT? SHE SAID WHAT? Please, if there is god in heaven, please let me die! PLEASE! I was sick at heart. But I tried to hit my sadness. "So, Liam, you haven't said anything, yet. I'm sorry!", "You don't have to be sorry.", "So, at the end, and yes, it's already nearly the end, I want to talk about your tour and the new song! Tell me about it!", "Okay, at first, our new single is nearly ready to be published. But it will took a little time until we release it.", "Could you tell us, how is it called?", "No.", Liam laughed. "I haven't expected another answer. And the tour. The Directioners are waiting for months for the announcement for the tour dates. Tell us, Liam, when is the start?", "The start, to buy the tickets has already started.. wait.. let me take a quick look at my wristwatch.. You can buy the tickets since 10 minutes. And that's the first surprise, but before you buy, please listen til the end. We're traveling through Europe and a few Asian countries. And in 2 days, it's your turn to vote for a special concert. But I'll tweet some more details tomorrow in the evening!", "So, I'm really thankful. Thanks for the answers and now, we're all waiting for the tour. And Phie & Li, we're waiting for your first single. Good luck and I hope we see us soon and at the end, could you say it one more time? I love it!", "Hey! I'm Liam!", "I'm Harry.", "I'm Louis.", "I am Zayn.", "I am Niall, we are One Direction and excited about the tour! Love you all!", "We're Sophie and Linda and you know, we haven't a name, yet!", "Thanks a lot and bye!" During my sadness, the interviewer ended the conversation. After the interview, when we went home, through London, there were so many Directioners waiting for us. We spend about an hour to give autographs and sang a bit. 

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