Chapter 13

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Keith: Lance went out to find Lotor, it told him no but he never listened. I don't like being the submissive one but I wouldn't like be the one in control either. I find it confusing that me and lance are now boyfriends, I mean one minute we're "rivals" as lance would say and the next minute we're making out on the couch!
I always thought lance hated me, with all the name calling and teasing ( mostly about my height and hair) I just came to the conclusion that we were I fact enemies.
Lance came back at around five o'clock, his nose was bleeding and his lip was cut. " Lance!" I said as I walked over to him. " Hey" he said back pulling me into a tight hug. " Stop getting hurt! Your making us all worried!" " S-Sorry,I never meant to worry you baby" Lance kissed my head.
" C'mon, Hunk made the closest he could to ramen tonight I'm hungry" I said taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen. Once everyone saw lance they all started fussing over him, over MY boyfriend. " Guys, guys I'm fine." Lance said while laughing a bit " I'm hungry so let's just get something to eat!"
Everything was like usual until me and lance were alone...

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