Chapter 9

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"You might be good at basketball
You might be good at track
But when it comes to football
You might as well step back!"

"Say what?"

"You might as well step back!"

"Can't hear you"

"Might as well step back!
Go Cobras!"

"Alright girls! Take five and re-group!" Sandy shouted. We were sweaty, we were tired, and we were hot. Not just hot because of our adorable uniforms, but also the fact that it was forty five degrees and sunny. I may take a shower when I went home and I may never come out.

"You're doing great. How do you feel?" Luisa asked me.

"Pretty good, considering we haven't done a pyramid yet." I replied, squirting some water in my mouth.

"The bottom of the pyramid isn't so bad. If you do well, the cheer coach might upgrade you." she said.

"If we have a cheer coach, why is Sandy in charge?" I asked, baffled at what I just heard.

"She's on maternity leave, and she trusts Sandy to whip us into shape. Literally." she joked.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

"You just did." she said.

"I'm being serious." I replied.

"Alright, speak. What's on your mind?" she asked.

"Is it normal to start liking your step-brother?" I asked.

"If he's sweet yeah. But Zac is the total opposite of sweet." she replied.

"No, no actually he's different. He's nice to me...when we're alone." I said. Luisa perked up an eyebrow.

"Hmmm, do you think he likes you?" she asked.

"Of course he likes me. We're friends." I said.

"No, I mean like you like he wants to make-out with you." she replied.

"Oh...oh no. Now way. He just thinks I'm cool. I could never imagine myself wanting to even peck Zac. He's just so..."

"Zac?" she asked.

"Exactly. You know this weekend, I had lost about an hour of sleep because of him?"


"He came home drunk!It was ridiculous. At least he didn't throw up." I replied.

"Wow, I'm sorry girl. When're you parents coming back?' she asked.

"Later tonight, as if it couldn't come soon enough." I replied.

"Look, we got another half hour of practice, then you go home and snooze a bit and relax." she said. I scoffed.

"With Trenway Jr? I wish." I replied.

"Alright girls! Break's over! Time for the pyramid!" Sandy shouted.

"Oh no."


By the time I got home...the only person who was home with Zac (surprise, surprise). He was on the couch, while watching Drake & Josh and munching on an apple.

"I'm home." I said in an irritated manor, annoyed that he didn't realise I had come in...after at least five minutes of standing there.

"Hey." he said, not glancing at me or anything. Hey look, Zac-ass is back. Ha! That was a good one.

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