"Thank you for coming back and not running off and pretending to have a good time with the adults!" Alivin said. "Because as everyone knows, it takes a whole lot of confidence to get up and follow in the footsteps of Psy or Michael Jackson. But we have two people here who are going to do just that! Michael and Luisa." wait, my bestfriend partnered up with Zac's bestfriend? Hmm, interesting...
They started dancing to Gangnam style, while trying to copy the moves that Psy did, then Michael tried to be Michael Jackson and made an attempt to do the moon walk. The funniest part though, had to be when Michael got on his hands and knees, while Luisa did the Gangnam style dance over him.
Harry had brought up Jasmine, and they started doing a very skilled hip hop routine together, Harry even did the coffee grinder.
Felix and Rita, a very cute ten year old girl, got up next and started doing their rendition of the macarena to Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, which I thought was incredibly cute!
"And now, we have the oldest cousin in the family, Zachary, along with his new step-sister. Give her a hand but not chocolate éclairs, Daniella!" looks like someone decided to spoof on my chocolate éclair joke with Lucas from a couple months ago. That or someone just took a video and put it on the internet.
Zac and I got up and stood across from each other on the floor. The music started, playing Fine China by Chris Brown. Zac smiled at me before taking my hand, then we started circling aorund each other. That was part one, and everyone seemed to like it. There were a couple murmers of approval throughout the audience.
Zac and I broke away from each other, then just as the chorus of the song started, he extended his hand out, making my place my own over my heart. We were following a story, of when a young man and woman meet at perhaps a ball or a club, then he asks her to dance. I took Zac's hand, then he spun me around until I felt his arm fasten around my waist, and I let myself dip back. Another round of gasps encircled throughout the crowd, and my heart started fluttering. I was actually having a great time!
He pulled me back up, still keeping a tight hold on my waist, then I took both his hands in mine, liffting them up so I could go under. It was then I realized that even in heels, Zac was still much taller than me.
We broke away from each other, then I backed up. Zac nodded for the okay, then we pulled the finishing move. I took a running start before pushing myself against his shoulders and jumping up, then he caught me, and slowly started spinning, as I held myself up high, and arms outstretched.
I looked down at him, he looked back up, and I knew he was adoring me. I was never brave to get up on stage and do anything like this, but here I was, trusting myself with him as we danced in front of his family.
He put me down, and our foreheads were pressed together. I had that same overturning, churning, butterfly feeling in my stomach from a week ago. And once again, I wanted to kiss him, and I didn't care who was watching. But before we could do anything else, everything went dark.
The lights had gone out.
"Woah! What happened?"
"Is this a joke?"
"Somebody turn on the lights!" everybody was shouting frantically or trying to get the other to calm down, but Zac took my hand, then grabbed a candle stick which was still glowing brightly, and led me away from the crowd.
"Sh, follow me." he whispered.
"Where are we going?" I asked him. My question was ignored as he dragged me down the dark corridor, then into a closet. Our only source of light was the glowing candle.
"Why are we in here?" I asked in a whisper.
"Because I've wanted to kiss you since that Halloween party, and I couldn't wait any longer." he replied. He wanted to kiss me? Really? If this was a joke, it wasn't funny.
But it wasn't a joke. He leaned in, ever so slowly, until his lips touched mine. A part of me felt extremely dirty, this was wrong. The other part of me was growing goosebumps, it also felt very right. I never felt like this with Lucas, he never made goosebumps appear.
It all made sense now. That's why Zac pulled us apart at the party, that's why my friends told me he was the wrong one. I had the right one in front of me this entire time, and I didn't even stop to realize it. The car rides, the fun times, him beating up Lucas. I felt like a complete idiot for not realizing it before, but now everything's crystal clear.
Zachary Trenway loves me.

Resisting Temptation
Humor"Desires can be our downfall..." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniella (Dani) Lavek moves from Stratford Ontario to Manhattan NY after her mother agrees to marry successful bu...