~.~ D A N I L A V E K ~.~
Michael and Luisa had picked us up; and I had definetely gotten the hint that he had asked her to be his date. My first clue was basically the way Luisa looked, with her short (but not too short) tight peach dress that had the low, sweetheart cut neckline. And she had her hair curled in small, tight ringlets that cascaded as far down at her shoulders, and she had on thick, black eyeliner and bold red lipstick. It was a sweet look, yet also very seductive.
The second sign was while we were driving, and Michael had made a joke, which made us all laugh, but Luisa had placed her hand on his thigh. As far as I knew, that was a sign of affection; she was interested in what he had to say and she found him fascinating. I had felt that way with Zac; except I never touched his thigh...or anywear south of his waist. But as far as I've seen, my instincts told me to start shipping Luichael very soon.
We arrived at Coney Island shortly after, a loud bass was pumping through the air as we saw the rest of the school already dancing away on the beach. There were fairy lights set up all around the secluded area, a stage was set with a DJ station, and I recognized one of the juniors playing music from his laptop. There were candles set up around the around, tables set up with tasty looking treats and drinks. Some other couples were playing around in the ocean, spashing each other and looking like they had the time of their lives. I had to wonder though, weren't they freezing? Did they not realize it's still winter time? It wasn't any of my business though, I just let Zac guide me towards an emerald green, small knee-high table with pillows for seats.
"This is nice, right guys? Secluded, highschool party, they got punch that I'm pretty sure has been spiked." Michael joked.
"If it has, I think I'll just buy bottled water from the Jack In The Box over there." I replied, pointing to the red food truck that was parked on the street.
"The drinks aren't spiked, don't worry." Zac told me.
"You wanna dance?" Michael asked Luisa. She looked at me and winked before agreeing. I watched as Michael pulled her onto her feet and they went into the middle of the sandy dance floor. His arms went around the small of her back, hers went around his neck, and they started swaying to the music.
"You think they're gonna make it?" I asked Zac.
"What do you mean?" he said.
"Michael and Luisa. You think they're relationship will last?" I asked. Zac looked at the couple, before chuckling and nodding.
"Totally, and if anybody wants to destroy that, Luisa'll destroy them." he said. He was right though, Luisa is a tough cookie, probably tougher than Michael.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Lucas sitting at a make-shift bar set up by the students. Next to him was a dirty blonde, who I presumed to be his 'date'. I had to laugh though; she was half drunk, slouching over her seat, her hair frizzy and all over her face, she had orange, streaky, uneven foundation running on her face and black smudges under her eyes. She had to have been one of the ugliest girls I've ever seen in my life.
"Man, look at that asshole. He has no idea what hit him." Zac said.
"Yeah, doesn't matter now. You saved me from making a terrible mistake." I replied.
"You're right. We should show him." he said. Before I could ask what that was, Zac leaned in and smashed his lips into mine. It was surprising, but I loved it. It was the little things that made my skin tingle, even if his hand just brushed against mine. Thinking this just brought a smile to my face, bringing my hand up and placing it on his cheek. All thoughts of Lucas, Luisa, Sandy, they fluttered away into nothing, my focus just stayed on this boy who continued to kiss me. And the way he kissed me, just telling me I'm the one he wants to kiss, I'm the one he wants to be with.
"People are staring." I breathed out as we pulled away.
"Let 'em. Nobody can take this away from us." he replied.
"Well in that case..."
We got home late, around eleven thirty. Mom and Howard were still up, but faintly falling asleep on the couch. Zac and I looked at each other, chuckling at our parents. I gently shook my mom awake, Zac doing the same with Howard, telling them to go to sleep.
"Did you two have fun?" mom asked us.
"Yeah, it was cold though." I replied.
"We're glad you two had fun. Zac, can I trust you to lock up?" Howard asked him.
"Yeah, yeah totally. You two go to sleep." he told them. Mom gave me a kiss and muttered 'goodnight', following Howard as they shuffled to their room.
"That was fun, we should do it again." I said. Zac nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, but next time we go to Coney Island, we'll make sure it's at least over thirty degrees." he said.
"Right, well...I should go to bed." I said.
"Me too. Thank God tomorrow is Sunday." he sighed. I started for the corridor, before Zac called me back.
"Yeah?" I turned to face him, waitin for him to say something.
"I love you." he said. That made me smile, I bit my lip and tried not to giggle.
"I love you too." than I turned back on my heels and headed for my room. However, I wasn't ready to go to sleep yet, I wanted to try something different...
~.~ Z A C T R E N W A Y ~.~
I made sure to turn off the lights and shut the TV, before making my way to my room. I couldn't stop thinking about Dani, and how incredible she was. It was like she was now awake after being asleep for years, and she's enjoying life the way a young girl should. I love her, and I couldn't ever imagine hurting her. She'll never have to feel hurt again.
All the lights were turned out when I got to my room. I flicked on the lights and started changing for bed, when I noticed something on the night stand. It was a piece of paper, folded neatly and sitting on top of my computer. I picked it up and unfolded it, finding fancy cursive writing, a message for me.
Wait until midnight, then come upstairs
And that's what's I did. The minutes ticked by as I waited for midnight to approach, it was like it couldn't come soon enough. I nearly shouted 'Hallelujiah' when it did; I'm a very impatient person.
I pulled down the step ladder, very careful to not make it squeak as it came down. I carefully climbed up the ladder, then into Dani's room. There were candles lit, one by the window sill, the other on the top of her dresser.
She stood at the edge of her bed, wearing a thin, white dress that showed off a bit of skin, but just enough for her. She looked...beautiful...glowing. She smiled at me, waving me over with her hand. I took a step forward, then hearing the floorboards creak.
"Careful!" she whispered. I nodded, taking another few steps and trying not to make a sound. That wasn't so successful.
"Sh! Careful." I eventually made it up to her, still confused but...more than happy to be here with her. Dani reached out and nudged my hand, then travelling up my arm and resting on my shoulder.
"You're shaking." she whispered.
"So are you." I said. She leaned in, pressing her head against mine, then kissing me. I wrapped my arm around her waist, the other got tangled in her hair. It finally clicked what was happening here, I was surprised by her. I honestly didn't think she would want to do something like this so soon.
"Hey, you don't have to." I told her. "As much as I want to...I can wait."
"I don't wanna wait." she replied. "I wanna feel this with you..."
In that case...

Resisting Temptation
Humor"Desires can be our downfall..." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniella (Dani) Lavek moves from Stratford Ontario to Manhattan NY after her mother agrees to marry successful bu...