1. The Accident

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This. Is. It. My very first story!!! Hope you enjoy!

"RING! RING! RING!" John's alarm buzzed in Freddie's head, causing him to turn over in his bed.

"Turn that bloody alarm off," he groaned. "I'm trying to sleep."
"We can't sleep," his lover's sweet voice piped, hopping out of bed. "I'm going on my trip today."
"That's right. The um..." He snapped his fingers, "Liverpool trip?"

"You're lucky I love you because I'm too tired to not come with you."
"Too bad," John teased.

He slipped his oversized tank top off over his head and moved towards the closet. He picked out a plain gray tee and blue jeans.

Freddie rolled his eyes. Friday's outfit, again, love? he thought. He decided to roll out of bed, literally, and get his clothes on, too.

Unlike John, Freddie slept in nothing but his underwear, for he thought it was too hot to wear anything, even in the winter.

When Freddie rolled out of bed, he fell onto their bedroom's carpet with a grunt.

"Bluddy hill," Freddie said, his voice muffled by the carpet.
"Told you to stop doing that," John hummed, still facing the closet, not looking at Freddie at all.

Freddie got up and went to his side of the closet. Once again, he had trouble picking out of his many, many, many outfits he had.

John saw Freddie's indecisiveness and groaned.
"We're not going through this again. Pick a shirt, pick some pants, and get your shoes. And please, for the love of God, do not pick one of your crazily flamboyant outfits to wear to the train station."
"Well that cuts my options in half," Freddie replied. He sighed and grabbed his leather jacket and a bright red t-shirt. He attempted to walk out of the room but was stopped by John.


"I was THIS close!" Freddie joked, turning around and grabbing a pair of black denim. He once again ventured out of the door while putting his pants on, then his shirt, then his jet black jacket. He walked into the living room to see Brian and Roger sleeping on the couch together.

"What lovebirds!" Freddie muttered. John came into the kitchen and made himself a smoothie with coconut milk, spinach, strawberries and mangoes. He poured the smoothie into his travel mug and screwed the cap on.

"That's your breakfast?" Freddie asked. "You need to have a proper meal, darling."

"No I don't. Not at 4 AM."
"ESPECIALLY at 4 AM! D'you know how much time you have to make food?"
"Freddie, I have a train to catch at 5:30. I don't have time for--" John checked his watch. "Oh crap...WE HAVE TO GO FRED!!!" John grabbed his shoes and dashed down the apartment stairs.

He ran to the car with his socks still on and hopped in the car's driver's seat. Freddie hopped in the passenger seat. Once they both had their seatbelts on, and when John got his shoes on, John pulled out of the parking lot and drove (carefully) to the train station.


When the got to the station, Freddie got John's bags out of the car, they'd been packed the night before, and brought him to the boarding area.

"Have fun," Freddie said, hugging John. "Don't do anything I'd hate," he smiled. They both laughed.

John kissed Freddie before walking on to the train and waving goodbye. Freddie began to walk back to the car so he could drive back to the flat so Brian and Roger wouldn't think that Fred left to go clubbing and wouldn't come back until midnight.

No, it's not Tuesday yet, Freddie thought, smiling. He got into the driver's seat and put the car in reverse before pulling off.

It would take another 20 minutes to get back to the apartment, but Freddie made it even longer by stopping for a pack of cigarettes. He lit one and kept driving.

Smoke began to fill the car.

Though it wasn't bothering Freddie for a while, the smoke started stinging his eyes, but instead of rolling the windows down, he proceeded to drive. Then he couldn't see that well.

Which meant he couldn't drive well.

He tried to drive into another lane but a driver honked at him. Freddie didn't say anything, he just narrowed his eyes and coughed.

At this point, he could barely talk.

That's when it happened.

Freddie couldn't see. He kept swerving into lanes until he picked up so much speed the car began to crash.

It felt like it was all slow motion.

The car flipped over on its side, with Freddie having blood on his face and neck and being passed out.

And John had no idea.

So...that's it! Hope you enjoyed reading for the first time. Got any feedback? Ideas? Constructive criticism? Message me and I promise I'll get back to you 😘. That's all for now, loves!

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