4. Forgotten Love

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Hey loves! If you haven't checked yet...


yeah, I know, I'm super ecstatic about it but I've been inspired again...so be on your toes for that story.
But anyway (do I say that too much?) the new and upcoming chapters honestly made me shed tears because Amnesia Freddie is trying his best but he can't remember anything 😭😭😭😭😭.

But I won't spoil anything 😉

I know you all came for John's reaction, so on to the chapter!



You do remember. You have to remember.

You have to!

The pleading and screaming in John's mind couldn't come out. All he could do was stare and not cry.

He has the same face, same hair, and the same fantastic eyes, but it wasn't him.

It wasn't Freddie.

"John?" Brian said, facing him. "Are you--"
John raced out of the room. Brian trailed after him.
Tears clouded John's eyes. He put his back against the wall and slid down.

He cried, putting his arms above his knees. After about a minute, he looked up at the ceiling, as if God could hear a silent prayer, just from John.

"John," Brian said, bringing John out of his thoughts and making eye contact.

"He's gone," John whispered softly.

"What do you mean? Freddie's alive and in there."

"No," John said, shaking his head. His eyes were red and puffy, all of the color and joy taken away and replaced with fear, sadness, and hurt. "It's not him." His voice began to break, his gaze breaking away from Brian. "It's not him and you know it."

Brian went to John's side. "I know, John. It looks like... Freddie has a memory problem. Like...like amnesia. But did you see the car?"

"Mhm..." John said silently. The horrors of the crash then filled his head and he quickly shut his eyes.

"Then you'd know how worse it could have been. Thank goodness he only lost his memory."

Anger suddenly filled John's mind.

"What do you mean thank goodness? Are you glad he doesn't remember me?"

"John you know that's not what I meant. Your letting anger cloud your judgment."

John was silent. He put his head between his knees again.

"Go back into the room with Roger. He needs you. I...I can't go in there. I'm not strong."

"You are strong John," Brian said, standing.

"How the hell can you say that?" John looked up. "You're lying to me. I. Am. Not. Strong. You know it. Go with Roger. I'm walking outside. Don't follow me, ok?"

Brian paused to say something, but stopped and nodded. He walked inside of the building, letting John walk outside.

John decided he was not going to be able to go back into the hospital. It would be too painful.

He was going to try and get a taxi home. If that didn't work, he was okay with taking the bus or even walking home.

"Crap," he muttered, looking inside of his wallet. He didn't have enough money to get a taxi, so he ended up having to take the bus home.

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